Is muskmelon good for diabetes?

Can Diabetics Eat Muskmelon?
We all love to have melons, especially during summertime. Their unique taste and high water content make them special.
What is a melon?
The melon is an annual, trailing herb that grows well in subtropical or warm climates. Melons prefer warm, well-fertilized soil with good drainage that is rich in nutrients.
Did you know, out of all melons, muskmelons are known as diabetes-friendly. Diabetics through recommended avoiding watermelons due to high sugars are allowed to have muskmelon in appropriate quantity due to their diabetes-friendly benefits.
Muskmelons are also known as sweet melon, kharbujam, and cantaloupe are botanically known as Cucumis melo and a member of the Cucurbitaceae family. The exact origin of Muskmelon is unknown, though many experts believe it to be native to South and East Africa.
There are approximately 10 different commercial varieties of Muskmelon grown in India today such as Kharbuj, Kharbooj, and Karbuja. In India, Muskmelons can be found growing in a variety of different regions such as Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Safeda, Andhra Pradesh, Lucknow, and Uttar Pradesh.
Nutrition facts
Muskmelons are nutrient-dense and provide a wide variety of important vitamins and minerals. One cup (156 grams) of diced muskmelon contains the following nutrients·
- Calories: 53
- Carbs: 13 grams
- Fiber: 2 grams
- Protein: 1 gram
- Vitamin C: 64% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI)
- Vitamin A: 29% of the RDI
- Potassium: 9% of the RDI
- Folate: 8% of the RDI
- Niacin: 7% of the RDI
- Vitamin B6: 7% of the RDI
- Magnesium: 5% of the RDI
- Thiamine: 5% of the RDI
- Vitamin K: 3% of the RDI
Health Benefits of Muskmelon
Having muskmelon can provide you several benefits. Here is a list of top 10 benefits of musmelon
Powerhouse of nutrients
Help control blood pressure
Help in weight loss
They are cholesterol-free
Boost immunity
Treats oral ulcers
Relieve constipation
Can help to quit smoking
Help to prevent heart disease
Helps during pregnancy
Freedom from Diabetes has been tirelessly working in the field of 'Diabetes Reversal'. It has successfully changed the lives of around 90,000+ diabetics till now and the number is counting. Its website is fully loaded with all the information that diabetics would look for.
Do visit their blog section for more information on other diabetes-friendly foods. Also, you can visit our Instagram account to learn about upcoming events and happenings.
You can read about the Top 10 fruits for Diabetics...!
Can a diabetes patient eat muskmelon?
Yes, diabetics can eat muskmelon in moderation. It has a low glycemic load and is rich in vitamins and fiber, making it a suitable fruit option when consumed in controlled portions. -
Does muskmelon raise blood sugar levels?
Muskmelon contains natural sugars, but due to its fiber content, it doesn't cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels if eaten in moderation. - Can muskmelon be included in a diabetic meal plan?
- Yes, muskmelon can be included in a diabetic-friendly diet when balanced with other low-GI foods. It provides hydration and essential nutrients.