Muhsin Samy: How I was able to be free from Insulin

  • Name- Mr. Muhsin Samy 
  • Age- 56 years
  • Profession- Family Physician
  • Place - Australia

My 11 years journey with diabetes was definitely not a memorable part of my life.  I always prayed to God to show me some way out.  But did not know there was light at the end of the tunnel - in the form of FFD.

I am Muhsin Samy, a family physician from Australia.  There is no such major stress in my life but I do have a strong family history of diabetes.  Both of my parents suffer from it.  So heredity might be one of the causes for me having diabetes, I think.

I came to know about my diagnosis during a routine medical check-up in 2010.  I had a feeling of low energy that time.  The result was not really shocking but it definitely gave me a setback. 

My other problems are high cholesterol, hypertension for which I was started on medicines too. The most distressing part was I was on medicine for diabetes and very high doses of insulin, still sugars were very high.

Mr. Muhsin Samy 

While searching for some way out, I landed at the FFD website. It was the best thing that happened to me.  I looked through the website thoroughly and was highly impressed with the information.

It was COVID time, 2020, and the good thing was all the treatment at FFD was online.  I decided to first join the Discover Reversal Session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi.  It was just amazing.  That very moment, I knew all good was going to happen to me. Soon, I enrolled in the Holistic Transformation Program (HTP) batch, the very immediate batch No. 60.

My insulin dose started reducing from the very second day and in just 15 days, I got the Best News of my life.  I was told by the FFD doctors, that I do not need to be on insulin anymore.  What a relief it was! Now, I did not need to inject myself with insulin.  Great!

Since I live in Australia, I was not much aware of Indian food and diet.  FFD people solved all my diet queries.  They explained to me about the Indian diet and also gave me some options like  Falafel, Chipotle, Wraps, etc which suited my lifestyle.

I suffered from a hypoglycemic event once during my program.  My FFD doctor gave apt advice on what needs to be done if at all one suffers from hypoglycemia.

Hats off to the FFD team! I am insulin-free now, maintained only on diabetes medicines. 

Thank you, FFD for showing me the true path for healthy and medicine-free Life!

Reverse Diabetes