Mrs. Pawar, Age 60+ changed her life from boring to Energetic

  • Name: Vaijayanti Pawar
  • Age: 60
  • Place: Nashik
  • Profession: Retired lecturer

Hi, I am Vaijayanti Pawar, age 60 yrs, from Nashik. I am a retired lecturer.

I was a diabetic from 2011 and taking tablets to keep my sugars under control. Though physically I used to look healthy (plump), people never realized how difficult it was for me to survive with my diabetes. My diabetes was somewhat killing me from inside. I had lost interest in almost everything. My life had become dull and boring. I could do very few strenuous activities and felt really bad about the fact of being a diabetic. I could not run at all and would get exhausted after climbing just a few steps.

Then, one of my friends from Nagpur introduced me to diabetes reversal specialist FFD. I understood the main cause of my diabetes and immediately joined the super amazing diabetes reversal Program i.e TRP (batch 23) which commenced on 15th July 2017. Then, my life took a magical u-turn! On 17th July, my tablets were stopped & on 19th July I was declared a free bird!!!

All this in just 5 days!! On the last day, diabetes specialist Dr. Tripathi had given me some targets which I achieved in 2 months.

My cholesterol tablet stopped with all normal reports! Now I am left with just Thyroid and Blood Pressure tablets, and I am absolutely sure that these tablets will also leave me soon!! 

I have passed GTT in September 2017 and have also lost 13 kgs of weight in the entire diabetes reversal process. Now I feel so fresh with full of energy & positivity. 
Now, I can climb 1000 steps at a time without getting exhausted! Every day, I walk, Brisk Walk, and also run!! My next target is to do Girnar Parikrama of 45 km through dense forest!!

I am sure I can complete this challenge with ease as I have my FFD team with me. I also love spreading freedom and helping people understand that freedom from diabetes is possible. I have started performing some social events like, I organize diabetes-friendly smoothie drives for people to understand its benefits; Resulting in 50% of people have started having smoothies regularly!!

I feel tremendously happy that I have made many people go free from diabetes by making them attend the TRP.

I feel so motivated and inspired now. My view of seeing my life has become 100% positive!

I thank Dr. Pramod Tripathi and the entire team of FFD for helping me to reverse diabetes!!


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