Mrinalini Sinha: Because of FFD Diabetes & insomnia all gone

FFD's inner transformation rocks
- Name- Mrs. Mrinalini Sinha
- Age- 42 years
- Profession- Employee (Health & Family Welfare)
- Place - Delhi
Stress is the root cause of many health problems in one's body... and who knows this better than me. I suffered from a lot many problems due to stress, the main was diabetes & insomnia which further hampered my health. But FFD came to my rescue and everything is Okay now.
I have done M.Sc. Microbiology and am working in the Department of Health & Family Welfare GNCT Delhi for the last 17 yrs. I am 42 yrs old now but feel like I am in my 20s…All thanks to Dr. Tripathi & FFD team.
My diabetes story
My diabetes was diagnosed around 5 years back when I had a severe throat infection. My random blood sugar was 197 mg/dl at that time. I consulted with the doctor and he prescribed medicine to control BSL. My Parents are also diabetic but they became diabetic in their late 50s and they are able to control their BSL with the medicine.
Whereas, I became diabetic in my 30s and couldn’t control my BSL with the medicine. My dose increased and my health started deteriorating. Later, I also came to know that anti-diabetic medicines if taken long-term are not good for health. I became hypertensive also and started taking medicine for that as well. At times, I felt breathless.
I was under a lot of stress due to some personal problems and that was the biggest reason for my bad health. I couldn’t sleep at night and felt tired throughout the day. I started overeating to relieve stress, especially high-fat comfort food and became overweight.
My face became puffy and I had swelling all over my body. Last year, I was going into menopause, and at the same time, I had a skin problem in my right foot which was later diagnosed as Pseudo Acanthosis Nigricans. It looked so bad, dark with thickened skin. I applied topical steroids but it didn’t help much.
In October 2021, I got a fever that was not coming down with the oral medicine and I had to take I.V PCM for 3 days. When my random blood sugar was checked, it was 350 mg/dl in spite of taking Gluconorm G2 twice a day. I was admitted as I had bronchitis also.
Was given strong antibiotics to treat my infection and insulin for the first time to control my BSL. After 15 days, I was discharged with so many medicines to follow including 40 units of insulin twice a day. I took insulin shots for 2-3 days only. After that, I tried some homemade powder along with the oral medicines, but my BSL was always around 220-240 mg/dl.
Mrs. Mrinalini Sinha
How I found FFD
I didn’t want to live like this for the rest of my life. That’s when I decided to search for the best diabetologist. I searched on Google and there I saw Dr. Pramod Tripathi ji's name. When I opened the link, I saw some reversal success stories. Suddenly, I felt that God had chosen this for me and I attended his Discover Reversal Session. Immediately, I decided to enroll myself in the Holistic Transformation Program. After joining FFD, the first thing I told myself was to have complete faith in the program.
My journey at FFD
In the beginning, it was very difficult to be vegan and it made me feel irritated at times. But I followed the diet protocol strictly. Initially, I wasn’t doing all the exercises but after the first phase, I was sincerely following all the FFD protocols. Green smoothie, diet, Intermittent Fasting, WF/JF did wonders, all the swelling from my face and body disappeared, breathlessness has gone.
My App doctor gradually reduced my medicines on the basis of my BSL and in 2 months I was free from hypertension medicine. I started feeling stability & calmness. I started loving myself, my life, and this world. Everyone including my family, friends & colleagues noticed the huge change I was going through. I became a happy person as I was able to sleep at night though it wasn’t a sound sleep I felt energetic throughout the day, my efficiency increased.
FFD taught me the most important thing: The Importance Of Discipline & Self Control. Following this, I started losing weight which is otherwise quite difficult after menopause. I lost 16 kg in less than 3 months. I was able to get rid of Acanthosis Nigricans too!!
About FFD's incredible inner transformation phase
ow came the biggest blessing for me - The inner Transformation Phase. I can’t tell you what magic it has done to me. After just 2 days of meditation, I started getting deep sleep at night just like a baby sleeps unaware of what is happening around me.
Stress was the biggest enemy of my health and I just didn’t know how to manage it. With Journal writing and meditation I was able to release the stress and I lost 4 more kg in 10 days. I can’t believe I lost a total of 20 kg !! From 80 kg when I joined this program to 60 kg now. It is a big achievement for me.
Currently, I am on the lowest dose of my Sugar medicine( half a tablet of Gluconorm 500 twice daily) which I think will be stopped soon. I know each of us is different, our body responds differently. I just had faith in myself & FFD and I knew that with discipline & determination I would be able to achieve Freedom very soon.
How I feel now
I feel so light and energetic, both in my body & my mind. My insomnia is gone. I have stopped overthinking & overreacting. My decision-making has improved. My mind no longer controls me, it’s me now who controls my mind!
Thank you Dr. Tripathi, Mentor, my dietician madam, App Doctor, Exercise Expert, and the whole FFD team for bringing so many positive changes in me. It’s like a rebirth for me.