Mr & Mrs Hannurkar: An Inspiring Diabetes Reversal Couple Stories

How I became diabetes free in 6 months
- Name- Mr. Mahesh Hannurkar
- Age- 57 years
- Profession- Senior Banker
- Place - Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Hello...I am a Senior Banker by profession. In 1999, when I got my first promotion as a trainee officer, I was advised to undergo a list of tests to ascertain that I am medically fit to take the promotion.
When I received the reports and Bank’s medical officer had seen them, she called me to her clinic to discuss the reports. I was very much disappointed as I worked hard to pass the Promotion Exam.
My other friends' reports were without any remarks. I went to the clinic to face the consequences and she revealed the truth that “You are having Diabetes”.
My doctor even told me that it can be controlled by medicines and it will not affect my promotion avenues. A sigh of relief prevailed upon me. From 1999, my diabetic journey started. My father also had diabetes.
My diabetes was never under control even after taking medicines and I faced many health issues during the last 22 years. Especially, during last year from March 2020, till I joined FFD on 28/08/2020, I was hospitalized for problems such as urination, stomach upset, constipation, bulky body with 72 kg, excess fluids inside the body, breathing problem, high sugar levels, and whatnot.
COVID time was a testing time for me as I had to be hospitalized per my doctor's advice. That time, I had become very negative but thankfully my COVID tests came negative and got treated for excess fluids and other problems. It was then when I had made up my mind that
I came back home and hugged my daughter. That was the time I decided that I will not allow such a situation anymore in my life because I cannot die by simply ignoring my health and allowing my daughter to grow without a father.
Since I was on sick leave and at home because of weakness, (I lost 18 kg of weight) I was searching Facebook, Google for eradication of diabetes. I found one TWIN HEALTH to which I subscribed by paying Rs.7500/- as the first installment. Twin Health people refused to treat me as I was a heart patient.
Again I started searching on Facebook and got FFD’S details. I immediately registered for the 25/08/2020 evening webinar. On 26/08/2020 when I got a call from FFD regarding enrolment into the Holistic Transformation Program (HTP), I asked the caller whether they can enroll me being a heart patient with 10-12 tablets consuming every day, the answer was yes and I got into the 62nd batch.
The journey started with my Mentor Smt. Suma Madam, my Dietician Smt. Sana Mir, my assigned Doctor Dr. Poornima Kulkarni. I started following diet protocol, antigravity exercises, treadmill, warm-up, super brain yoga, Surya namaskars, etc.
Gradually my medicines reduced and other health parameters improved. It took me around 6 months to become totally medicine-free. After all, it was diabetes for a long time, 22 years.
The third phase of the Holistic Transformation Program was excellent. I liked everything from it - mindfulness, blessings, forgiveness, healing mind-soul-body, etc. The blessings meditation made me completely blessed and from that point in time, my sugar levels actually started coming down and became stable.
My Hba1c is now 5.7 and sugar levels are up to 140 throughout the day. I am following all the protocols and will assure you Pramod Sir, I will follow them throughout my life.
I made my wife join in the 70th batch and her diabetic medicines stopped in just 1 month. Her hypertension medicines stopped in 3 months. She has reduced 10 kg of weight so far and trying hard to reduce another 5 kg.
I joined as an FFD Mentor in June 2021 with the intention to reciprocate in a small manner.
I am very happy!
Mr. Mahesh Hannurkar | Mrs. Surekha Mahesh Hannurkar
11 years diabetes gone in 1 month
- Name- Mrs. Surekha Mahesh Hannurkar
- Age- 50 years
- Profession- Housewife
- Place -Hyderabad, Telangana, India
I just cannot forget the day - 05/05/21 in my life. That was the day I joined FFD and my life changed forever.I, Surekha Hannurkar, wife of Mr. Mahesh Hannurkar. My husband was diagnosed to have diabetes in 1999 and it affected my life too.
I also used to be very stressed due to his condition. The stress became so bad that at one point it misbalanced my hormones and forced me to visit my doctor. Got my tests done only to know that I am too a diabetic! So my diabetic journey started from 2010.
My diabetes was under control with medicines but during pregnancy in 2014, I was also started on hypertension medicines. All the while I used to be under constant fear that I also might need to be hospitalized for various complications like my husband due to uncontrolled diabetes.
He joined FFD in August 2020 in the 62nd batch. I had started taking smoothies and salads in the diet along with him but never used to do any exercise. My weight was increasing day by day and it went high up to 72 kg in March 2021.
I was seeing my husband’s hard work. He never cheated on diet and exercise. After seeing progress in his health and also temper (as he was also short-tempered), I started thinking of joining FFD.
I joined the FFD in the 70th batch which started in May 2021. Since I was already taking smoothies and salads along with my husband, I became diabetes medicine-free within 1 month of starting the Diabetes Reversal program. Intermittent fasting helped me a lot in weight reduction.
My hypertension medicines too stopped soon and BP became normal without medicine. I never thought I would be medicine-free so early, but it all happened due to FFD protocols plus motivation in the Group sessions conducted by Pramod Sir.
My health parameters are like HbA1c improved to 5.8 from 6.2, creatine reduced to 0.67 from 0.87, uric acid reduced to 4.2 from 6.26 and EGFR improved to 103 from 78.
I will be failing in my duty if I do not mention my assigned FFD’s team’s contribution to me for becoming medicine-free. I thank my assigned doctors Dr. Jitendra Pawar, Dr. Nupur Singh, and Dr. Surbhi Khatod for their daily monitoring of my sugar levels and continuous able guidance.
I thank my assigned dietician Smt. Durga Kedar Bargaje for timely advice regarding diet which could reduce my weight to a considerable extent. I thank my exercise expert, Dr. Supriya Joshi, for her time to time advice with regard to exercises to be done which helped me to look strong and confident.
Even though my husband’s program has concluded, we are following the same diet and I am confident that I will reduce another 5 kg (my present weight is 61 kg, reduced from 72kg.) to get into my ideal BMI.
I am very happy that we both became medicine-free and leading a healthy life. In our house, my daughter who is now 6 years old, is also doing exercises along with us and eating healthy food.
Thank you, Dr. Pramod Tripathi and FFD. Looking forward to a positive, peaceful, and healthy life throughout my life.