Mother-son duo's diabetes reversal story with FFD

We regained health..and are enjoying our freedom


  • Name- Mrs. Sarubai Vithal Bhor
  • Age- 63 years
  • Profession- Homemaker
  • Place - Pune, India


  • Name- Mr. Mahesh Vithal Bhor 
  • Age- 43 years
  • Profession- Practice Manager
  • Place - Pune, India

Why we joined FFD?

 My mother was on insulin since 2016 and I wanted to reverse my lifestyle-related disorders.


Hello All

I am Mahesh Vithal Bhor, 43 years young, Practice Manager in an IT firm, from Pune. Talking about family history, my mother is a diabetic. Stress-wise, though working in IT is stressful, I enjoy it.

My mother, Sarubai Vithal Bhor, is a 63-year-old homemaker from Pune. Interestingly, she does not have any family history of diabetes.

How was our diabetes diagnosed?

In 2010, my mother suffered from symptoms of excess urination. The tests advised by the doctor revealed her to be a diabetic.

I suffered from COVID in April 2021, and recovered from it but do not know what went wrong.  My post-COVID tests revealed that I have high blood sugar levels.

Difficulties we faced

I faced many problems like low energy, high triglycerides (bad cholesterol), low HDL (good cholesterol), high pulse, and weight gain. The problems my mother suffered were weight gain, headache, low energy levels, and frequent food cravings.

This was when I felt a strong need to change our lifestyle and thus began my search for a path. 

Mrs. Sarubai Vithal Bhor | Mr.  Mahesh Vithal Bhor 

How did we come to know about FFD?

Dr. Pratiksha Gandhi from Mumbai told us about FFD.

Our FFD journey

I attended the online session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi with the name DRS.  After getting an overview of how diabetes reversal happens, I and my mother both joined the HTP batch 80.  Later on, we were also told about the Transcendental Residential Program a 7 nights/8 days unique program conducted by FFD near Pune. We were very impressed with the whole concept so decided to get the LIVE experience as well and joined TRP 83.

Within one month, I was off diabetic medicines. My medicines for cholesterol too have stopped. Weight also saw great improvement.  With time, weight reduced from 78.4 to 62.3 kg. My pulse used to be very high in the range of 100-110, this also came back to normal and is in the range of 70-80 now. Waist size reduced from 100 cm to 86 cm. HbA1c went down from 8.6 to a normal 5.7 and is improving further. I have regained my energy levels.

My mother who was on insulin got completely rid of it within the first 15 days of the HTP 80 batch. Her medicines had started reducing since TRP 83 and are now on a minimal dose of 0.5 Gycomet 500 mg to maintain tolerable sugar BSL.  She too has lost a considerable amount of weight of 14 kg.  She feels more energetic, has no headaches, and has no more food cravings.


We, as a family is very happy with the progress we have made with FFD's support and guidance.  We attended a family function after 5 long years as diabetes is no more a constraint for us.

We both hit the gym daily.  We have also started enjoying the outdoors on every alternate weekends. Remarkably my mother climbed Jejuri fort without any trouble along with her grandkids. It's not merely getting off medicines, it's about enjoining life again and we are loving this change.

** Thank you FFD family! * *

Takeaways for Mahesh -

  • Freedom from medicine (diabetes and cholesterol)
  • Normalized heart rate
  • Improved energy levels

Takeaways for Sarubai 

  • Freedom from insulin
  • Reduced medicine
  • 14 kg weight loss