Karabi Datta: A diabetes reversal story from Nigeria

Medicine stopped, great learning at FFD

  • Name-  Mrs. Karabi Datta
  • Age-  54 Years Young
  • Profession- Bharatanatyam Dancer
  • Place - Nigeria

Hi all,

I am Karabi Datta, a Bharatanatyam dancer from Nigeria.

My diabetes story

Both my parents are diabetic so I had inculcated the habit of getting myself routinely checked. One such check-up in 2017 revealed I had high sugar.

Funnily, my body did not show any diabetes symptoms but I suffered from slight tingling in my hands. At that time, my doctor felt it necessary to start the medicine. I was in constant fear that medicines would cause some side effects and long-term diabetes may lead to complications too.

How did FFD happen?

I got introduced to FFD through YouTube. My younger sister who stays in the U.S. also researched it and suggested I join.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted to go off medicines and save myself from diabetes complications and side effects of medicines. With FFD, I saw big hope for my goals. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mrs. Karabi Datta

Reversal story

I was on only two tablets in a day but never really liked taking them. By following the FFD protocols, my health began seeing a lot of improvement. All my diabetes medicines stopped within one month which was the best piece of news for me. My weight loss also was good, 5 kg.

I follow all the FFD-recommended exercises and am feeling more energetic now. The only that is disturbing me right now is a rise in my creatinine, but I am sure I will get over it with the FFD team's help. My next goal is to clear GTT and has started working in that direction.

Key quotes

"I have learned a lot at FFD and highly recommend others to join it and take advantage."

"It is only FFD that can help you truly reverse diabetes"

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • Weight loss 5 kg
  • Got great knowledge