I was told diabetes medicines would be for life; FFD showed me a different path.

  • Name- Mr. Suneet Divshikar 
  • Age- 42 years
  • Profession- Delivery Manager in an MNC
  • Place - Pune

Even though my mother has been suffering from diabetes since the past few years, I never imagined I too could get it, and so soon. But that’s exactly why diabetes is so deadly. By luck—good or bad, you decide—I had undergone routine medical tests in 2013, and the results came back with a diagnosis of diabetes!

My doctor put me on oral medicine, but as time went by, I noticed an almost perpetual and increasing feeling of lethargy. Along with higher sugar levels, my cholesterol levels were also increasing. My doctor kept adjusting the dosages but he assured me that I would have to take medicines for life, as diabetes was incurable…but thanks to FFD I had a completely different experience!

I was on YouTube one day when I stumbled upon a video posted by FFD. The video, which was on diabetes reversal is scientifically sound and backed by a lot of scientific study. The thought of diabetes reversal was very exciting to me—especially after all the contrary information I was being given.

I immediately registered for FFD’s Discover Reversal Session and was even more hopefully. I found Dr. Pramod Tripathi, the founder of FFD, who conducted the program, to be very lucid and factual. FFD’s successes sounded incredible to me, and I subsequently enrolled in FFD’s Holistic Transformation Program (HTP) Batch 62.

Mr. Suneet Divshikar 

My experience with the program was simply amazing. Within the first couple of weeks itself, I became completely medication free. This really happened thanks to the guidance from the FFD team on diet, exercise & inner transformation.

Diet-wise, I found the smoothie and stopping milk and milk products to be a real difference-maker. I have completely stopped consuming dairy milk and to a large extent bakery products too. The dal-based breakfast and salads I was introduced to is still part of my daily meals.

I also gained real insights about fitness and exercise; FFD exercise experts helped me understand the right combinations of exercises (viz. 3-2-1 strength, cardio, flexibility). Even today I am following this system. Dr Tripathi's guidance and inner transformation phase is another game-changer.

The various techniques that we taught to us, freed me from accumulated stresses—some of which I wasn’t even aware I had. Now, I am confident in handling any stressful situation without losing my calm.

Thanks to these protocols, not only did my blood sugar counts come down to the normal range, I ended up losing almost 12 kg of body weight. My next goal is to clear the Glucose Tolerance Test.

My last attempt missed by just five points. I’m confident with the changes FFD helped me make to my lifestyle, I will soon pass this final test too.

Words cannot express my gratitude; I had only medicines to look forward to. FFD gave me a new life.

Reverse Diabetes