I received extraordinary Diabetes treatment at FFD

  • Name- Mr. Chidambar Tammaji Joshi 
  • Age- 71 years
  • Profession- Gynecologist
  • Place - Mysore, India


I tried several ways to control sugar levels. Did not know then that there is an institution named Freedom from Diabetes that helps people reverse their diabetes through daily monitoring of sugar levels.


Hello friends

I am Chidambar Tammaji Joshi, a 71-year-old retired LIC officer.  I retired 12 years ago. Nobody in our family was diabetic when I got diagnosed.  Stress-wise, there was little stress professionally working as an officer.

My diagnosis of diabetes

It was May 1994. I was working at Athani Dist. Belgaum. I had come down to Belgaum to attend a close relative's marriage.  In the marriage hall itself, I started feeling uneasy due to nagging pain in my left hand from down the shoulder. 

First I did not inform anybody. The pain did not subside although I tried all the tricks known to me. When it became intolerable, I told my elder cousin. He took me to a nearby Doctor. By that time I had profusely sweated. The Doctor after examining gave one Tablet to be kept below the tongue (now I know it was Sorbitrate).

I felt okay within a few minutes, but the Doctor advised me to see a cardiologist. The ECG showed no major concern but when I suffered from the same symptoms the next day, I was told to get admitted.  The tests during hospital admission revealed my sugar level to be more than 300.

Difficulties I faced 

When diagnosed with Diabetes, I was asked to avoid sweets, not to drink tea with sugar, and to do walking in the morning. Tablets were also prescribed.  I managed my BSLs for 10 years with only Daonil 5 mg 1-0-1 & Glyciphage 500 mg 1-0-1. After 10 years, the sugar levels started going out of control. So tablets kept changing. 

In 2019, I had deep venous thrombosis. The result was my walking came to a stop and I was put on Insulin - Human Mixtard morning and evening. The dosage got increased now and then. Along with Insulin, tablets were also prescribed. I was fed up with Insulin pricks.

Diabetes reversal success story of chidambar joshi

Mr. Chidambar Tammaji Joshi 

I came to know about FFD 

Through my colleague Sri Ahok J Joshi who was from the 69th HTP batch. He sent me the reading materials and insisted that I should at least attend the introductory session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi.  I enrolled in FFD diabetes reversal program HTP.  My intention in joining Freedom from Diabetes (FFD)  was that at least I should get rid of Insulin.

My FFD journey

Systematically over some time, the FFD App Doctor reduced my daily intake of Insulin. First, my nighttime Insulin was stopped, and then my morning insulin also stopped. All this happened within a month. Simultaneously, oral medicine also started reducing. At the end of 3 months, I was only on a Janumet tablet of 0.5-0-0.5.

I weighed 68 kg when I joined FFD. Lost 7 kg in 3 months. Now I am 62 kg. My abdominal girth was 35 inches, now it has come down to 32 inches. I had to get all my trousers altered which was a happy situation.

My thoughts

Although I did lose 7 kg of weight, I never felt weak. For reasons beyond my control, I could not follow a strict FFD Diet and Exercise for more than a month. I very much regret the same. 

I am slowly coming on track and am confident that my medication will stop completely. I feel elated and desire to pass GTT. FFD's Diabetes treatment is incredible.


  • Freedom from insulin
  • Remarkable reduction in medicines
  • Satisfied & happy

Reverse Diabetes