How I stopped insulin in 15 days with FFD's help

My insulin reversal story with FFD - Shriniwas

  • Name - Mr. Shriniwas Kardale
  • Age - 64 Years Young
  • Profession - Private Job
  • Place - Pune.

Hello all,

I'm Shriniwas Vishwas Kardale from Pune. I worked at a senior position for a private company, now retired.

My diabetes story

I have been intimately acquainted with diabetes for an extensive period spanning 31 years. It was around 1991 when my body started manifesting symptoms of excess hunger, excessive thirst, and increased urination.

Unbeknownst to me at the time, these were the hallmark triad indications of diabetes. Concurrently, I also noticed an unintended weight loss.

A routine medical examination unveiled the underlying cause to be diabetes, a revelation that left me disheartened given the absence of a family history with the condition.

Upon reflection, I conjectured that my ambitious nature and the accompanying professional stress might have contributed to this outcome.

During this journey, there was a period marked by significant stress when I had to live alone due to job commitments. Throughout my life, I have upheld a disciplined approach, and during this time, I diligently managed my sugar levels with the aid of insulin and medications.

How did FFD happen?

It was my wife, who is quite active on social media, that first came across information about FFD. Her encouragement and insistence were the driving forces behind my decision to pursue it.

What made me choose FFD?

Even though my sugar levels were controlled I wanted freedom from medicines. FFD was offering hope.

The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Shriniwas Kardale

Reversal story

The four protocols introduced by FFD are truly remarkable. Almost immediately, my body began displaying signs of progress.

Remarkably, my insulin intake, which stood at 90 units, ceased within just 15 days of embarking on the program - a truly astonishing development.

This news was beyond belief for me. I'm thrilled to share that not only I am free from insulin, but I also now maintain myself on a significantly reduced dosage of medication, all thanks to FFD's invaluable assistance.

My HbA1c levels also exhibited an improvement, dropping from 6.8 to 5.8, reflecting the positive impact of the program on my blood sugar levels.

My weight underwent a substantial transformation, plummeting from 77 kg to a range of 63-64 kg, rendering me a sense of lightness and vitality.

However, this shift has raised some concerns, with those around me, including my wife, expressing the sentiment that I appear somewhat weaker and might need to regain some weight. I am confident that FFD's diet experts will provide me with appropriate guidance in this regard.

On the exercise front, I diligently engage in all the exercises recommended by FFD and maintain a regular gym routine. The phase of inner transformation has facilitated a shift towards a more positive outlook, which is truly invaluable.

It's important to take a moment to express my gratitude to my wife, whose unwavering support has been the cornerstone of this achievement.

All in all, I am genuinely content with the remarkable outcomes I've attained through my journey with FFD.

Key quote

"Dr. Pramod Tripathi and his FFD team are doing a great job. Thank you for everything."

Key takeaways

  • Insulin stopped in 15 days
  • Medicine reduced
  • Weight loss 14 kg