How I stopped insulin & medicine with FFD's help - Ravi Raju

Enjoying freedom from both insulin & medicine - Thank you, FFD

  • Name - Mr. Ravi Raju
  • Age - 57 Years Young
  • Profession - Job
  • Place - Singapore

Hello all,

I'm Ravi Raju residing in Singapore.

Key Takeaways

  • Insulin Stopped
  • Medicine Stopped
  • Superb Fitness

My Diabetes Story

Twenty-nine years ago, in 1994, a medical examination revealed that I had diabetes. Despite a family history on my father's side, the diagnosis was quite surprising.

Over time, the condition worsened, and by 2003, I required insulin treatment. Around the same period, I also developed hypertension.

Additionally, I was slightly overweight with a BMI of 27.66.

Overall, it became clear that I needed to take action to improve my health.

How was FFD Introduced?

It was through an internet search that I learned about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on insulin/medicine. I also wanted to regain my health. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in its type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP immediately.

Mr. Ravi Raju

Reversal Story

My case was meticulously examined by the team assigned to me, and they developed a personalized plan based on their findings. As I began to follow the plan, I saw positive results.

My blood sugar levels began to stabilize, and within 12 days, I could stop using insulin. This was incredibly surprising and a huge relief, as I no longer had to endure daily injections. Although it took about 7-8 months for me to stop taking other medications, I eventually became medication-free.

While my weight has remained stable, I recognize the need to shed a few pounds.

The guidance on diet and exercise has been invaluable.

I now go to the gym three days a week and practice Surya Namaskars daily.

It has been an incredible journey. I am deeply grateful to all the FFD experts and Dr. Pramod Tripathi for creating this extraordinary program.

Key Quote

Reversing diabetes and becoming free from insulin/medicine is a great feeling.