How I Stopped 28 Units of Insulin in Just 20 Days

I can proudly say - FFD is my family

  • Name- Mrs.Sayara Mulani
  • Age- 54 years
  • Profession- Housewife
  • Place - Satara, India

How would you define 'Family'?  Family is a set of people who make you comfortable, listen to you/your problems, support you, and do much more for you.  FFD is the same for me... It is like a family to me.

Hello everyone, myself Mrs. Sayara Mulani, 53 years young full-time housewife, mother to my sons with my husband being my true strength.

How I got to know about my diabetes is very interesting.  In the Ramzan time of the year 2000 when I was just 30 years old and fast, all of sudden I got a urine infection which lasted almost for 10 days & worried me. 

Visited my family doctor then who suggested I go for a urine and blood test.  The test result reflected DIABETES.  This was shocking because I did not have any symptoms of it, plus there is no family history of diabetes.

Having medicines each day was really traumatic.  Due to this, I faced many other health issues like stress, retinopathy, diabetic foot.

In 2015, I had to go on Insulin.  The initial dose was only 5 units which then increased to 10 units and later on increased to 28 units.  Medicines that I was on were Vildagliptin, Telpres CT 40, Rosuvas 10, and one more.  Talking about my weight, it was 82 kg then, then got down to 75 kg, but  I didn’t give up.  

One fine day I came to know about FFD through their YouTube channel.  I should say god showed me a wonderful path to follow.

I joined FFD on 9th December 2020 and was insulin-free on 29 December. My 28 units of 5 years of insulin stopped in 20 days

The FFD diet and exercise protocol has brought down my weight to 66 kg which puts me in a good BMI category.  This weight loss has improved my agility and I feel fresh like never before.  I follow the regime prescribed by my dietician regularly.

I am still on medicine but very happy as I am free of insulin now.  All thanks to Dr. Mrunalini, Dr. Ashwini, Neha.

Must say, all the doctors out there are very supportive.  They treat you as you are part of their own family.  It is not like you come, enroll and that’s it.  They will continuously be in your touch through regular follow-ups.

All my good wishes and gratitude for FFD.  Thank you, Diabetes Specialist Dr. Pramod Tripathi & the entire Team…..God bless you.

Diabetes Reversal Success story