How I reversed my 21 years of diabetes with FFD - Jagdip

Insulin stopped, medicines reduced - FFD is amazing
- Name - Mr. Jagdip H Parekh
- Age - 65 Years Young
- Profession - Independent Professional
- Place - Amreli, Gujarat
Hello all,
I'm Jagdip H. Parekh from Gujarat.
My diabetes story
Twenty-one years ago, during a routine medical checkup in 2002, I received the unsettling news that I had diabetes, a condition already present in my family history on both sides.
I was also on medicines for high cholesterol and hypertension from 2002. Despite managing it with medications over the years, October 2023 marked a significant turning point when I received the unfortunate news that I needed to start insulin therapy.
This development served as a stark realization that the complexities of managing my health had escalated, prompting a deeper understanding of the challenges ahead.
How was FFD introduced?
I was already familiar with FFD from a few years back when I had explored their website.
What made me choose FFD?
I wanted freedom from insulin, freedom from medicines. FFD was offering hope. I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP to achieve the above.
Mr. Jagdip H Parekh
Reversal story
Joining FFD proved to be a wise decision for me. At the onset of my insulin therapy, I enrolled in FFD, and within a mere 10 days of their treatment, I experienced significant relief as the need for insulin ceased.
This was a remarkable turnaround. Not only did my medication dosage reduce significantly, but I also achieved a notable weight loss of 5 kg, going from 80 kg to 75 kg.
The improvement in my HbA1c levels has been substantial, shedding light on the positive impact of FFD's approach.
Through this journey, I've gained insights into my past dietary and exercise habits, making necessary adjustments like avoiding fried foods and adhering to FFD-recommended exercises.
Reflecting on my experience, I can't help but think that had I discovered FFD in the initial years, much could have been saved.
My heartfelt thanks go to my dedicated FFD team, including Dr. Gopinath Karpe, diet expert Palak Shah, exercise expert Dr. Afrin Gilani, and others, for their unwavering support and guidance.
I would also like to express gratitude to my wife, who joined me on this journey and played a crucial role in ensuring adherence to the protocols.