How I became medicine-free + lightweight

- Name- Mrs.Trupta Gandhi
- Age- 37 years
- Profession- Project Manager
- Place - Bangalore
There is nothing like becoming medicine-free. Even though it was for a short span of 3 years with diabetes, I know what it takes. I have experienced what it is to be on insulin and then daily medicines.
I am Trupta Gandhi, a 37-year-old Project Manager from Bangalore. Looking at the family history, my father was a diabetic. Professionally, there has been little stress working as a project manager.
In 2019, I was pregnant with my second child. It was during the routine tests at that time that I got to know about my fluctuating sugars. I also came to know diabetes detected during pregnancy is called gestational diabetes.
There was no other way so I had to be put on 5 units of insulin. Most of the women's sugars become normal after delivery but I was unfortunate. My diabetes persisted and I had to be maintained on medicines post-delivery.
Other issues that I faced were constipation, gas, anger, and hypothyroidism. Being a mother of 2, with diabetes, on thyroid medications and other responsibilities was definitely not easy. I always wished if there was some way to come out of it.
Mrs.Trupta Gandhi
I got to know about FFD through one of my neighbor's friends. She was a participant of FFD and had seen remarkable progress in her health which impressed me a lot. I too decided to go for it.
The online session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi was very informative and encouraging. I got to know about the real causes of diabetes and that diabetes reversal is possible if we go the right way.
The next step was clear, enroll for HTP, which I did... joined batch 78.I believe associating with FFD has been the best decision of my life.
Since I was hypothyroid, the first thing the FFD diet team did was gave me instructions on what to eat and what not if one has thyroid issues which were great.
When I communicated about the difficulty in doing exercises due to time constraints, the FFD exercise team showed their expertise by suggesting me a split plan for exercising.
Till then, I had never imagined that exercise routine could also be ever divided. I tried following all the instructions as much as possible with all sincerity and the results I got were amazing.
I got Freedom from Diabetes medication in just 1 month after joining the FFD program. Reduced 5 kg weight as well. Now, I am medication-free and lightweight. It feels great to have achieved all that I had joined FFD for.
Thank you, FFD.