How FFD Helped Me Reverse Diabetes and Lose 13 kg of Weight

Reversed Diabetes, Lost 13 kg, & Became Super Positive - All Thanks To FFD.

  • Name - Mr. Nirant Kasliwal
  • Age - 30 Years Young
  • Profession - Machine Learning Engineer
  • Place - Bangalore

Hello all,

I'm Nirant Kasliwal, a Machine Learning Engineer from Bangalore.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 13 kg
  • Enhanced Positivity

My Diabetes Story

In December 2022, my annual blood work revealed that I had developed diabetes, which came as a shock since I was only in my late 20s.

While there is a hereditary connection to diabetes from my mother's side, I did not anticipate developing it at such a young age.

Reflecting on my lifestyle, I recognized that personal and professional stress likely played a role in this development.

To manage my condition, I started taking medications to control my sugar levels.

I experienced mental fatigue, reduced enthusiasm for many activities, and depression.

How was FFD Introduced?

I got to know about FFD through a friend.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I wanted professional education and guidance on how to manage this. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Nirant Kasliwal

Reversal Story

Joining FFD has been an incredible decision, exceeding my expectations. Following the personalized program created by the FFD team, I started to notice improvements.

Within three months, I stopped taking diabetes medication. My HbA1c improved from 6.5 to 5.0. Additionally, losing 13 kg in 12 months has been remarkable.

However, I regret not fully engaging with the inner transformation aspect of the program.

I now do weight training three times a week, which has made me much stronger. Overall, I have experienced increased clarity in thinking, greater patience, and more energy in life.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD for educating me to be healthier all my life.