How FFD Guided a Local Businessman to Ditch Diabetes Meds and Lose 16.3 kg

Overcoming Severe Diabetes: A Bangalore Entrepreneur's Inspiring Tale with FFD

  • Name - Mr. Mohammed Ishaq
  • Age - 37 Years Young
  • Profession - Shop Owner
  • Place - Bangalore

Hello all,

I'm Mohammed Ishaq, a Shop Owner residing in Bangalore.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 16.3 kg
  • Superb Fitness

My Diabetes Story

An alarming and unexplained drastic weight loss prompted me to seek medical attention. Upon my doctor's recommendation and subsequent tests, it was confirmed that I was suffering from severe diabetes, requiring insulin treatment.

During that difficult period, I vividly recall feeling constantly lethargic and spending most of my time confined to bed. Looking back, I now understand the detrimental impact that uncontrolled high blood sugar levels can have on one's daily life and overall well-being.

How was FFD Introduced?

My spouse, who is a gynecologist, persuaded me to join FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.

Mr. Mohammed Ishaq

Reversal Story

The FFD team assigned to me did a detailed study of my case and designed a tailor-made plan. Following this, I began seeing positive results.

Within just one month of joining the program, I was able to stop taking diabetes medications, which was a tremendous boost to my confidence.

By adhering to the protocol, I achieved my desired weight loss goals. Initially weighing 82 kg, I now stand at a healthier 65.7 kg.

One of the added benefits of shedding those extra kilos is the newfound joy of being able to wear clothes comfortably.

Previously, my days were spent primarily in a sedentary state, sleeping for extended periods. However, after joining FFD, I have regained my physical vitality and can now easily climb 400 stairs. Additionally, I have progressed from being unable to complete even 10 sit-ups to confidently performing 10 sets of 3 repetitions.

I feel absolutely amazing, brimming with a renewed sense of well-being. While I deeply regret neglecting my health for so many years, I am simultaneously overjoyed to have found my way to FFD, which has guided me towards a transformative journey of improved health and vitality.

Key Quote

Thank you FFD for this amazing Life Style.