Healing the Healer: A Pediatric Surgeon's Diabetes Reversal

Reversing Diabetes Naturally: A Doctor's Personal Triumph

  • Name - Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sahu
  • Age - 48 Years Young
  • Profession - Pediatric Surgeon
  • Place - Dhamtari, Chhattisgarh
Hello all,

I'm Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sahu, a dedicated Pediatric Surgeon and proud owner of my own hospital.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Excellent Program

My Diabetes Story

In 2016, a routine blood test revealed that I had developed diabetes. As a doctor, I couldn’t help but feel disheartened that I had been unable to manage my own blood sugar levels.

I began treatment with medication to control the condition.

In 2018, I was further diagnosed with hypertension, adding to my health challenges.

Despite these setbacks, a strong desire burned within me to reverse my condition naturally and reclaim my health.

How was FFD introduced?

I found FFD while I was searching on the internet.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicine. FFD was offering hope so I attended the residential TRP and also enrolled in the annual type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.

Dr. Pradeep Kumar Sahu

Reversal Story

The team conducted a detailed study and designed a plan. Following it, I began seeing positive results.

To my surprise, all my medicine stopped on the very third day. It felt like a miracle. My HbA1c level improved considerably.

My weight also improved very well. I was 98kg when I joined today. I weigh around 79kg. I feel superb about it.

I am feeling good and more positive. It has been a great journey.

All I want to say is there is a cure. Diabetes reversal is true.

Key Quote

A great program to reverse diabetes!