Grounding Diabetes: An Air Ticketing Agent's Flight to Health with FFD

Shrinking Numbers, Growing Health with FFD - Hariharan Iyer

  • Name - Mr. Hariharan Iyer
  • Age - 41 Years Young
  • Profession - Air Ticketing Agent
  • Place - Mumbai

Hello all,

I'm Hariharan Iyer, and I operate an Air Ticketing Business based in Mumbai.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • 5-point HbA1c Drop
  • Weight Loss 15 kg

My Diabetes Story

I distinctly recall the year 2020 when I began experiencing frequent urination and intense thirst. Medical investigations revealed these symptoms were due to diabetes, a diagnosis that was surprising given the absence of any family history of the condition. Work-related stress may have been a contributing factor.

March 2024, my health challenges compounded with the additional diagnoses of hypertension and high cholesterol.

As a complication of diabetes, I've also encountered skin-related issues."

How was FFD Introduced?

I came to learn about FFD through YouTube.

What made me choose FFD?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I found FFD videos and downloaded their app. Recently, about three months ago, I learned about the potential side effects of diabetes medications. This information prompted me to seek a way to eliminate the disease. Based on my prior knowledge, I was convinced that FFD was the only program capable of reversing my diabetes condition.

Mr. Hariharan Iyer

Reversal Story

Joining FFD was a pivotal decision. The team meticulously studied my case and crafted a personalized plan, which yielded remarkable results.

My program commenced on March 17th, and by April 7th, I was no longer dependent on diabetes medication - an incredible achievement. My HbA1c levels improved dramatically, dropping from 12 to 7.

I've experienced a significant weight loss of 15.5 kg, going from 103 kg to 88 kg, which has been both surprising and sustainable. My waist size has decreased from 46 to 38 inches.

This transformation has left me feeling incredibly energetic and active.

The inner transformation session was particularly impactful. It's helped me calm my mind, improve my focus, and better evaluate my thoughts. I've gained insight into my food cravings and developed strategies to manage them. I'm now able to exert some control over my thought patterns.

For physical activity, I enjoy swimming and playing table tennis."

Key Quote

I am experiencing a wonderful change in me. All thanks to FFD.