From Prediabetes to Vitality: Saroja's FFD Journey

Rewriting My Health Story - How FFD Changed My Life

  • Name - Mrs. Saroja Sivakumar
  • Age - 68 Years Young
  • Profession - Housewife
  • Place - Hoover, United States

Hello all,

I'm Saroja Sivakumar, a Housewife from Hoover, United States.

Key Takeaways

  • Pre-Diabetes Reversed
  • Weight Loss 17 kg

My Story

About two years ago, I discovered that I was in the prediabetic range. At that time, I was already struggling with being overweight, weighing 102 kg.

Surprisingly, there is no family history of this condition for me. I think incorrect and unhealthy lifestyle choices may have been the triggering factors.

In addition, I have been dealing with thyroid issues since 2015 and high cholesterol since 2023.

How was FFD Introduced?

It was through one of the whatsapp groups that I learned about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

Seeking a healthy life, I found hope in FFD and promptly enrolled in their annual HTP program.

Reversal Story

It has been a wonderful journey with FFD. I got more than I expected.

Following the customized plan proved to be fruitful. From day 1, I began seeing results. My sugar levels began falling in place and weight also started reducing.

Soon my prediabetes reversed which was the best news.

My weight loss from 102 kg down to 85 kg has been incredible.

I already have a spiritual background.  Insights from FFD's inner transformation phase helped me a lot along with it.

I would say I made my best efforts. This would not have been possible without FFD's guidance and support.

Key Quote

I am highly grateful to FFD for showing me a path to great health