From Overweight to Energized: How FFD Guided My Diabetes Reversal Journey

Reversing the Inevitable: A Delhi Homemaker's Path to a Medication-Free Life

  • Name - Mrs. Rachna Khanna
  • Age - 49 Years Young
  • Profession - Housewife
  • Place - Delhi

Hello all,

I'm Rachna Khanna, a Housewife, residing in Delhi.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 13 kg

My Diabetes Story

A routine medical checkup in November 2023 confirmed my diabetes. The revelation was not pleasant even though I have a paternal history. My HbA1c was found to be 7.3.

An unhealthy lifestyle had given me the gift of being overweight reaching up to 91.3 kg.

Talking about other problems, I have already been grappling with hypertension since 2008 along with acidity and knee pain.

Internally, I always wished for a medicine-free healthy life.

How was FFD Introduced?

It was through Facebook that I learned about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.

Reversal Story

I enrolled in FFD's program, and their team meticulously analyzed my case to devise a personalized plan. As I adhered to the plan, my blood sugar levels began stabilizing.

Initially, my diabetes medications were discontinued within a week. However, I suffered a setback when a fracture forced me into a sedentary lifestyle for some time.

Despite the challenges, I experienced a remarkable 13 kg weight loss, leaving my clothes feeling loose and comfortable. This transformation has left me feeling lighter and more energized.

Throughout my journey, I remained committed to practicing Surya Namaskar. Even during my fracture recovery, I adapted the routine to perform it while seated, with Sayali from the exercise team providing chair-based exercise videos to support me.

The inner transformation sessions, including meditation videos from Udita, proved invaluable in my holistic healing process.

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all the experts who provided invaluable guidance and unwavering support, making this transformative journey possible.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD for showing me a path to a healthy, lighter, and medicine-free life.