From Metformin to Freedom: My diabetes reversal experience with FFD

Medicine stopped, weight loss 8 kg, regained health!

  • Name - Mr. K S Vijay Kumar
  • Age - 68 Years Young
  • Profession - Business Owner
  • Place - New Delhi

Hello all,

I'm K. S. Vijay Kumar a businessman from New Delhi.

My diabetes story

Diabetes! That was the word that turned my world upside down. I had always been an exercise person, but things took a turn for the worse when COVID restrictions came into play.

Despite trying to stay active in my home, it just wasn't enough to keep me healthy and fit.

It wasn't until I went for a medical checkup in 2020 that everything became clear - I had developed diabetes! The news hit me like a ton of bricks.

Suddenly, I found myself on Metformin 1000 mg every day, forcing me to make drastic changes to my lifestyle if I wanted any chance of keeping this disease at bay.

How did FFD happen?

My excitement level was through the roof when I stumbled upon videos about FFD while scrolling through my social media feeds.  As someone who has been personally affected by diabetes, I was immediately intrigued by what I saw. 

What made me choose FFD?

I was recently diagnosed with this chronic illness, but it wasn't entirely foreign to me. After all, my wife had been suffering from it for the past 10 years. The fear of future complications and inner urge to get rid of it pushed me more towards FFD.

The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. K S Vijay Kumar

Reversal story 

I can't believe how incredible my experience with FFD's diabetes reversal program has been! It has truly been a fantastic decision to join this program.

Within just 1-1.5 months, I was amazed to find that my diabetes medicines had stopped completely - which was such a relief! And not only that, but my weight loss journey has also been noteworthy.

I've lost around 8 kg of excess weight already and it feels amazing!

Every day, an expert trainer visits me at home and guides me through all of the recommended exercises from FFD.

It's so convenient and effective, and I'm feeling stronger every single day because of it.

Key quote

"Honestly, if you're considering joining a diabetes reversal program - look no further than FFD!"

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • Weight loss 8 kg