From Diabetic to Saintly: My Extraordinary Inner Transformation with FFD

The Saintly Path to Diabetes Reversal: An Inspirational FFD Journey

  • Name - Mr. Tarun Gupta
  • Age - 60 Years Young
  • Profession - Business Owner, Professional Singer
  • Place - Indore

Hello all,

I'm Tarun Gupta a Business Owner & Professional Singer from Indore, Madhya Pradesh.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Extraordinary Inner Transformation

My Diabetes Story

In 2012, during a regular medical examination, I received the diagnosis that I had developed diabetes. Despite having a family history of diabetes on my mother's side, I was still caught off guard by this revelation and never expected it to happen to me.

After detailed consultations, I realized that going through enormous emotional turmoil in my life had finally taken a toll on me. 

I struggled with both depression and aggression to extreme uncontrolled extent throughout my life, with no vision how to get out of it.

Fortunately, although I had been diagnosed with diabetes, I did not experience any other major health complications specifically related to the disease itself with all my other body parameters completely normal.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines, but I was on medication for 2 years with no improvement whatsoever. I wanted to regain my healthy state again. Upon learning about FFD I decided to enroll in its Holistic type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.

Reversal Story

The FFD team carefully studied the details of my case and created a personalized plan tailored specifically for me. After following their recommended program, I started to see amazing results.

Within 2 months, I was able to discontinue my diabetes medications entirely. My HbA1c levels, which reflect average blood sugar levels over 2-3 months, also improved from 7.1 down to 5.4...which was excellent news.

In the first month itself which concentrated only on specially designed yoga and exercise at home, I lost 4 kg of weight, of course which was not my exact target but was necessary for diabetes reversal.

The truly transformative changes began happening for me in the second quarter of the program. The inner transformation module completely changed my life. I diligently followed it point-by-point - practicing meditation and journaling everyday. Dr Tripathi's diligently and very scientifically designed mental transformation process helped me clear up the permanent depressive, agonizing, torturous memories of my life since childhood. Further The "Tripathi Stress Release Process" gave  me the most powerful tool of my life to regularly clean the disturbing thoughts on daily basis or whenever needed. Thank you Dr Tripathi for this.

Dr. Mayurika Das Biswas is the finest psychiatrist I have ever encountered. She provided me with a 50-minute hypnotic meditation recording which I have been doing consistently for the past 15-20 days.

This has instilled  an unmistakable healthy glow on my face. I would like to express that her regular online well designed sessions has profoundly cleansed my life.

Diabetes has no power over me now because I have become a completely changed man - transformed from the troubled person I was before into a peaceful, saintly state of being.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD for transforming me from someone who struggled with aggression and negative emotions to becoming a peaceful, saintly individual.