From Anxiety to Zen: A Makeup Artist's FFD Transformation

5 Kilos Lighter, Infinitely Happier: Pavitra's FFD Success

  • Name - Mrs. Pavitra Patil Kochar
  • Age - 33 Years Young
  • Profession - Makeup Artist
  • Place - Mumbai

Hello all,

I'm Pavitra Patil Kochar, a Makeup Artist residing in Mumbai.

Key Takeaways

  • Weight Loss 5 kg
  • Anxiety Issue Resolved
  • Enhanced Positivity

My Story

My health journey took a dramatic turn in 2014 when I was struck by viral encephalitis, resulting in a two-month coma. The recovery was uncertain, with doctors unsure about which body functions I'd regain and which I would lose. Unfortunately, I experienced a relapse in 2015, leading to another month-long coma.

In 2016-2017, steroid treatment severely impacted my hips, eventually causing bilateral avascular necrosis (AVN) that required surgical intervention.

My physical activity declined significantly due to these health issues and my sedentary job at an agency, where I spent long hours on my laptop. The COVID-19 pandemic further limited my ability to exercise.

As a result, I gained considerable weight, approximately 10 kilograms, reaching nearly 82 kg at my heaviest. I also suffered from anxiety issues and mood swings which added to my difficulties.

It wasn't until my hip condition improved that I considered focusing on exercise and improving my overall health.

How was FFD Introduced?

It was my mother Vaishali Patil who had joined the FFD program for diabetes reversal told me about it. She had an excellent experience.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted to lose weight and regain health. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in the annual program HTP.

Mrs. Pavitra Patil Kochar

Reversal Story

Joining FFD has been a transformative experience for me. The program began with a comprehensive evaluation of my condition, leading to a tailored plan. As I followed their guidance, I noticed significant improvements in my health.

The inner transformation sessions with Dr. Mayurika were particularly impactful. Her prompt responses to my queries and her techniques for managing anxiety were invaluable.

She introduced me to meditation and helped me become more composed, addressing my tendency to become agitated and frustrated.

The positive changes have been numerous. I feel more energetic, less sluggish, and no longer groggy. My outlook has become more positive, and I've developed a consistent workout routine. I particularly enjoy my time at the gym.

Since starting the program, I've seen tangible results in my weight loss journey. I began at 79.2 kg and have now reached 74 kg, shedding nearly 5 kg.

Key Quote

I'm grateful to FFD for instilling a sense of positivity in my life.