From 9 Years of Diabetes to Freedom: Shyam Prakash Narain's FFD Journey

From Stressed to Blessed: My Diabetes Turnaround with FFD

  • Name - Mr. Shyam Prakash Narain
  • Age - 56 Years Young
  • Profession - Govt. Employee
  • Place - Lucknow

Hello all,

I'm Shyam Prakash Narain, a Government Employee residing in Lucknow.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 4 kg

My Diabetes Story

A random medical checkup in the year 2014 disclosed I had diabetes. The news was pretty shocking as there is no family history. Some amount of personal stress would have contributed to this I believe.

Weight-wise, I was a little overweight, weighing 75 kg having a BMI of 25.65.

Thankfully, I did not suffer from any other ailment related to diabetes. Internally, I wished to be healthy.

How was FFD Introduced?

YouTube was the means through which I learned about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I never wanted to be on medicines. I wanted to have a healthy lifestyle. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in its type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP immediately.

Mr. Shyam Prakash Narain

Reversal Story

I enrolled in the FFD program, where the team developed a personalized plan based on a thorough assessment of my condition. As I implemented their recommendations, my blood sugar levels began to stabilize.

Remarkably, within a couple of days I was able to discontinue my diabetes medications.

My weight loss from 75 to 70 kg has been good. I would like to lose 68 kg.

The diet expert cleared all my queries to my satisfaction which was great. The exercise expert cleared my doubts on nitric oxide dump and chair surya namaskar as well. I can easily perform 24 Surya Namaskar now.

I was a little worried about sugar fluctuations but I got appropriate answers to it too.

I feel good and energetic. Thanks to all the experts for their great work.

Key Quote

Thank you FFD for relieving me of 9 years of Trauma.