FFD's Impact on Diabetes, Weight, and Overall Health

A Roadmap to Wellness: Saikrishna's FFD story

  • Name - Mr. Saikrishna Rayalu Rangeneni
  • Age - 58 Years Young
  • Profession - Job
  • Place - Bangalore

Hello all,

I'm Saikrishna Rayalu Rangeneni from Bangalore.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 13.1 kg
  • HbA1c drop from 9.3 to 6.5

My Diabetes Story

In 2008, 16 years ago, blood tests conducted due to persistent tiredness revealed that I was diabetic. This was quite an unexpected revelation as there is no family history of the disorder.

Reflecting on the circumstances, I suspect that professional stress may have acted as the triggering factor. The escalating medications only added to the challenges, and internally, I harbored a strong desire to break free from their burden.

Despite attempts to address my weight concerns through methods like the Keto diet and various other diets, I struggled to sustain weight loss and eventually rebounded to an overweight status.

The journey became a testament to the complexities of managing diabetes and the quest for overall well-being.

How was FFD introduced?

I first got a chance to read a book penned by Dr. Jason Fung who emphasizes intermittent fasting. Subsequently, my awareness about diabetes reversal expanded as I discovered Dr. Pramod Tripathi and the Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) through one of my healthcare professionals.

My Boss who attended FFD's residential program - TRP, also pushed me to go for it.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines plus I also wanted to lose weight. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Saikrishna Rayalu Rangeneni

Reversal Story

The day I joined FFD marked a turning point in my life, and I consider it incredibly fortunate. The adoption of the four protocols initiated a transformative journey, witnessing a remarkable improvement in my sugar levels.

Within days, all my diabetes medications became unnecessary, and my HbA1c dropped from 9.3 to 6.5. The journey extended beyond just managing diabetes; I achieved an impressive and sustainable weight loss of around 12 to 13 kg.

The seemingly impossible feat of completing an 86-hour fast became a reality, showcasing the effectiveness of FFD's approach.

Despite concerns related to my mitral valve replacement, the FFD team gave me the confidence to improve. I have joined the gym and regained control of my body and health.

Receiving compliments from coworkers is incredibly gratifying. Inspired by the positive changes they observed in my journey, three of my colleagues have already joined FFD.

This year has proven to be fabulous as I focus on my well-being and transformation. I've realized the importance of earning my health, and FFD has been instrumental in providing direction and guidance throughout the journey.

Gratitude to Dr. Pramod Sir, Dr. Malhar Sir, and the entire FFD team for their unwavering support, making my health goals achievable and sustaining positive changes.

Looking forward to accomplishing more in the coming year, including GTT, trekking, swimming, cycling, and running, with the confidence that I can and will achieve these milestones.

Key Quote

I express my gratitude to FFD for guiding me towards a sustainable journey of reversing diabetes and achieving weight loss.