FFD Success Chronicles: Harvinder's Diabetes Liberation Story

Overcoming Diabetes Distress: Harvinder's FFD Journey

  • Name - Mrs. Harvinder Kaur Narula
  • Age - 40 Years Young
  • Profession - Housewife
  • Place - Lucknow, U.P.

Hello all,

I'm Harvinder Kaur Narula a housewife from Lucknow.

My diabetes story

During my pregnancy, I discovered my fluctuating sugar levels, and although things seemed to improve after delivery, diabetes resurfaced 2-3 years later.

Despite diligently controlling my diet and engaging in exercises, including walking up to 10 km, my sugar levels persisted in the 350-400 range.

Both insulin and medications failed to provide effective control, and I even experienced a significant weight loss of 10 kg. This situation left me in total distress.

How was FFD introduced?

One of my brother's friends told me about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. I also wanted to regain my health. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mrs. Harvinder Kaur Narula

Reversal story

I am at a loss for words to express the incredible transformation I've experienced since joining FFD. The impact on my well-being has been profound.

Adhering to the four protocols resulted in noticeable improvements in my health, and within just one month, all my diabetes medications were halted.

Now, I rely only on insulin to maintain normal sugar levels, a feat that wasn't possible with both medicines and insulin previously.

The FFD team has done commendable work. I've achieved significant weight loss, dropping from 52-53 kg to 43 kg. I feel incredibly better, sensing a healing process from within.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to the entire FFD team for their support, guidance, and inspiration on this journey.

Key quote

FFD has truly equipped me with the knowledge to manage diet, exercise, and other factors for lifelong health.

Key takeaways

  • Medicines stopped
  • Weight loss 9-10 kg
  • Feel well equipped