FFD Saved me from Diabetes Medicines and Health Complications

- Name- Mr. Chandrakanth Rajapurohit
- Age- 43 years
- Profession- Principal Architect, Discover Financial Services
- Place - Chicago
In 2013, during a routine blood test, my blood sugar was found to be very high and I was diagnosed with diabetes. Since my father and paternal grandmother both suffered from diabetes, I was always vulnerable, but other than frequent urination, I experienced no real symptoms, which is one of the reasons why diabetes is so deadly.
The doctor put on oral medication (Metformin 500 – 1000 mg/day), and that was my life for the next seven years.I hated being chained to medicines, but my doctor told me that there was no cure for diabetes, and not only would I be on medicines for life, but as the disease progressed, I might even have to take insulin. I was very concerned indeed.
As luck would have it, one day I saw a video shared on a common WhatsApp group. The video was about FFD and Dr. Pramod Tripathi, and his revolutionary diabetes reversal program. I was amazed, excited, and hopeful. I duly joined FFD’s Intensive Reversal Program (batch 67).
Mr. Chandrakanth Rajapurohit
It’s an amazing program and my experience was unbelievable. Just 3-4 weeks after joining FFD, my assigned doctor on the program told me I didn’t need any medicines anymore. As a bonus, my weight too dropped by 2-3 kilos, without even trying.
Thanks to FFD, I escaped insulin and the usual health complications that diabetes brings. Gone through all the suggested exercises like Triceps Extension, Biceps Extension, Leg Press, dumbbells, resistance band exercises, and Yoga. Followed the FFD Protocol diet in a strict manner throughout the program, which helped me in maintaining the weight and also lower the BSL levels.
Now I feel fit and healthy. But I'm following the same FFD diet and exercises, and I keep a watchful eye on my BSL—especially my morning readings.
My next challenge is to clear the Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT). This will be the final proof that I am totally free from diabetes.