FFD: A Lifeline for Diabetes Reversal and a Medication-Free Life

A Chief Commercial Inspector's Tale of diabetes reversal

  • Name - Mr. Dhananjay Singh
  • Age - 50 Years Young
  • Profession - Chief Commercial Inspecto
  • Place - Aurangabad

Hello all,

I'm Dhananjay Singh serving as a Chief Commercial Inspector in Indian Railways.

My diabetes story

In 2015, a routine medical checkup delivered a startling revelation: I had diabetes, with fasting sugar levels soaring to 400 and post-prandial (PP) levels exceeding 400 as well.

Subsequently, I sought medical advice, and my physician prescribed Metformin to manage my condition. However, over time, Metformin began to cause complications, leading to a painful frozen shoulder.

Determined to find an alternative path, I discontinued the medication and turned to Ayurvedic treatments coupled with exercise to maintain my sugar levels.

Although this approach helped control my diabetes, I remained committed to the idea of eliminating it from my life entirely.

Intriguingly, there was no family history of diabetes in my background, but I suspect that the professional stress might have acted as a significant trigger factor in my case.

How was FFD introduced?

I learned about FFD through Facebook.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. As mentioned above, I wanted to get rid of my diabetes permanently. FFD was offering hope. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mr. Dhananjay Singh

Reversal story

Joining FFD has proven to be a wise and transformative decision for me. The four fundamental protocols they offer are, in my opinion, the true pillars of health, representing a significant and valuable discovery.

As I diligently followed these protocols, my health took a positive turn. Within a mere two months, all my diabetes medications became unnecessary, and my sugar levels are now well under control.

What's even more remarkable is the improvement in my HbA1c levels, which dropped from 8.2 to an impressive 5.2.

Additionally, I managed to shed a decent 3-4 kilograms, and my regular practice of yoga, coupled with weekend hill climbing, has left me feeling exceptionally light and energized.

FFD has provided me with valuable insights into diabetes, its origins, and potential solutions, knowledge that will prove beneficial to me throughout my life.

I can't emphasize enough the importance of prioritizing health and striving to reduce reliance on medications; it's a game-changer.

Key quote

FFD serves as the ultimate destination for anyone in pursuit of a medication-free and well-balanced life.

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped
  • Improved HbA1c
  • Increased understanding of diabetes