Fatima Alam: Inspiring diabetes and pain reversal story

No medicines, no back pain

  • Name-  Mrs. Fatima Alam 
  • Age-  61 Years Young
  • Profession- Homemaker
  • Place - Delhi

Hello all,

I am Fatima Alam a homemaker from Delhi.

My diabetes story

I felt like getting myself checked for diabetes which was confirmed on tests. My doctor put me on medicines as a part of the usual practice.

Family history-wise, my mother suffers from it but none of my siblings even though they are older than me. The news upset me as I felt ashamed about sharing it with others.

I thought my siblings and family members would blame me for being ignorant, and not caring for myself.

How did I get to know about FFD?

My sister's sister-in-law and her husband were already FFD participants. I was not sure whether I could follow the diet and do so much exercise. My daughter who lives in Canada pushed me to do this program.

Why did I choose FFD?

I wanted to reverse diabetes and live a healthy life. Since FFD was promising, I enrolled in the Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

Mrs. Fatima Alam 

Reversal story

My body saw significant progress each day and within 6-7 months I got completely free of diabetes medicines. My weight loss also has been great. I lost 15 kg in total. One interesting point I noted is that my weight after that has been consistently stable.

FFD diabetes reversal diet has changed me. I do not feel like going back to my earlier food habits.

Pain reversal story

I have suffered from back pain for a long time, since 1985. Tried many things but nothing helped. Urinary incontinence was another issue that was concerning me.

After conveying this, my exercise expert suggested to me a few exercises, which I still do, there is a relief though not fully free of pain. I can do my daily chores much more effortlessly now. All thanks to FFD exercise experts.

Key quotes

"All the FFD team including a doctor, dietitian, exercise expert, and mentor is wonderful. I would like to especially thank Dr. Snehal for encouraging and supporting me throughout"

"I feel like flaunting my figure after this great weight loss"

Key takeaways 

  • Medicine stopped
  • Back pain relieved
  • In top shape