Exploring how healthy habits can influence remission

Diabetes being an affluenza (a problem of plenty) is no more a freak chance, a twist of fate, a bad card that you were dealt. It is now an eventuality that we will all encounter in this lifetime. No more a question of ‘if’ but ‘when’. Having said that, the trickiest aspect of diabetes is clarity. From diagnosis to treatment, confusions abound.
Laboratory reports, cryptic as always, are essentially indecipherable and, often, paradoxical. Multifactorial causes, overlapping types and immeasurable grades of severity, leave a patient perplexed.
Finally a morbid fear of complications makes a compelling case for seeking treatment urgently. The best medical, dietary, exercise and alternative approaches are researched and reviews collated (or is it the other way around).
Thereon begins the journey back to normalcy. Lifestyle changes primarily attempt to delay, if not deny, the rapid descent into physical deterioration.
What then, should be the goal for diabetics?
Not long ago, the prevailing notion was that once diagnosed with diabetes, one would remain diabetic for life. Challenging this notion, few stalwarts like Dr. Roy Taylor, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Gabriel Cousens amongst others have food path breaking research on diabetes reversal. Medical science has since come a long way and helped many reverse. However like many other chronic conditions the goal has now evolved to remission.
What does "Remission" mean?
Remission in diabetes refers to a state in which a person experiences a significant improvement or complete normalization of their blood glucose levels, to the extent that they no longer require diabetes medication or insulin to manage their condition.
In other words, symptoms and complications associated with diabetes subside or disappear, leading to a period of sustained and controlled blood sugar levels. So what needs to be done for sustained reversal or to achieve a state of Remission? Remission can be achieved through a combination of healthy habits and lifestyle changes.
Here are five key points that you should start with.
- Start a nutritious Diet:
Minimize intake of refined sugars, processed foods, and high glycemic carbohydrates. Adopt a balanced and nutritious diet that focuses on whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats.
- Regular Physical Activity:
Engage in a mixed nature physical activity comprising strength (gym), stamina (walk/run/cycle) and flexibility (yoga) that is convenient for you. Regular exercise will improve insulin sensitivity, aid in weight management, and contribute to better overall health.
- Weight Management:
If you are overweight, focus on gradual weight loss. Remember even modest weight loss can have a significant impact on blood sugar control and diabetes management. - Medication Adherence:
Consistently taking your medications as directed is crucial. Follow your healthcare professional's guidance regarding medication usage. - Regular Monitoring and Check-ups:
Regularly monitor your blood sugar levels and schedule check-ups with your healthcare provider. Monitoring helps make necessary adjustments to your lifestyle, and seek timely medical assistance if required.
How can we help?
Freedom from Diabetes was founded with a singular purpose: to raise awareness about the possibility of reversing diabetes and liberating individuals.
With this singular purpose in mind, Dr. Pramod Tripathi embarked on a mission to empower people with the knowledge and support so that they could break free from the shackles of diabetes and embrace a healthier, diabetes-free life.
The organization's relentless efforts and dedication led to an astounding milestone of over 14,000 diabetes reversals. We’ve understood that lasting change and freedom from diabetes requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond mere numbers.
Providing individuals with the tools, knowledge and support necessary to maintain a sustainable, diabetes-free lifestyle, ensures that each reversal is not just a fleeting success but a lifelong transformation.
We had great success in remission too! We’ve just achieved the 9000+ mark!
All this was possible only due to the 4 FFD protocols or success mantra namely diet, exercise, inner transformation and medical science.
Having said that, it's important to remember that diabetes management is highly individualized, and remission may not be possible for everyone.
FFD plays an important role here by providing a personalized plan that best suits your needs.
You too can Reverse Diabetes and achieve a state of "Remission".
Join our HTP and begin your journey