Empowering health: Ashwin's Diabetes Reversal and Weight Loss Tale

Proactive choices - How FFD helped Ashwin reverse diabetes naturally

  • Name - Mr. Ashwin Keshav Khare
  • Age - 62 Years Young
  • Profession - Retired
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Ashwin Keshav Khare from Pune.

My diabetes story

Maintaining an annual health checkup routine has been a steadfast habit of mine, and a routine examination just a year ago in 2022 revealed an unsettling revelation—I had elevated blood sugar levels.

While a familial history of diabetes on my maternal side cast a shadow of concern, the news was unwelcome nonetheless. The prescribed medications, while a viable solution, were not an option I wanted to immediately embrace.

Opting for a proactive approach, I requested my doctor to allow me some time to explore alternative avenues before committing to medication.

This decision marked the beginning of a personal journey to investigate and adopt lifestyle changes that could address the rising blood sugar levels and steer me towards a healthier future.

How was FFD introduced?

I had participated in Dr. Pramod Tripathi's sessions on two occasions, so I was fully cognizant that there were developments in the realm of naturally reversing diabetes.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope. I joined the FFD type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately for the same.

Mr. Ashwin Keshav Khare

Reversal story

Thankfully, I found my way to FFD, and I consider myself incredibly fortunate for it. The four protocols at the core of the FFD program have proven to be exceptional.

As I diligently embraced these protocols, I witnessed a remarkable improvement in my blood sugar levels, eliminating the need for diabetes medications—a primary goal I had set for myself.

Notably, my HbA1c level showed significant improvement, dropping from 7.8 to 6.0. Equally impressive was my weight loss journey, shedding from 92 kg to 74 kg.

Striving to adhere to FFD's recommendations across various aspects of my life, I take pride in sharing that I have successfully cleared my GTT.

My experience underscores the potential for diabetes reversal through preventive measures guided by knowledgeable experts like those at FFD.

Key quote

It feels great to have reversed my diabetes on time.  Thank you Dr. Pramod Tripathi.

Key takeaways

  • Did not require medication
  • Improved HbA1c
  • Weight loss 18 kg