Empowered and Healthy: A Housewife's Diabetes Reversal Journey

Living Medicine-Free: Koduri Veenadhari's FFD Experience

  • Name - Mrs. Koduri Veenadhari
  • Age - 50 Years Young
  • Profession - Homemaker
  • Place - hyderabad

Hello all,

I'm Koduri Veenadhari, a Housewife from Hyderabad.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 9/10 kg

My Diabetes Story

In October 2023, I started feeling fatigued and unwell. Additionally, I was experiencing gynecological problems, so I visited my doctor to determine the cause.

The tests revealed that I had diabetes. Both of my parents had diabetes, and my mother experienced severe complications, including loss of vision and leg issues.

I was determined to find relief from my health problems.

How was FFD Introduced?

I watched a video by Dr. Hegde where he praised Dr. Pramod for his excellent work.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.

Mrs. Koduri Veenadhari

Reversal Story

Joining FFD has proven to be the best decision for me, as I have benefited more than I expected. The FFD team assigned to my case conducted a thorough study and designed a personalized plan for me.

As I started following this plan, I began to see positive results.

Within three months of starting the program, I was able to stop my diabetes medication. My HbA1c improved from 9 to 5.3. I achieved a remarkable weight loss of 9-10 kg.

Adapting to the FFD protocols was challenging, but with the support of the FFD team, it became easier. I have learned how to control my food intake and am now following FFD-recommended exercises for my fitness regimen.

I am grateful to my FFD doctor, Dr. Amruta Prabhu, diet expert Sanjana, exercise expert Dr. Devika, and others for their unwavering guidance and support.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD for showing me how to live healthy and medicine-free.