Empowered and Healthy: A Housewife's Diabetes Reversal Journey
Living Medicine-Free: Koduri Veenadhari's FFD Experience
- Name - Mrs. Koduri Veenadhari
- Age - 50 Years Young
- Profession - Homemaker
- Place - hyderabad
Hello all,
I'm Koduri Veenadhari, a Housewife from Hyderabad.
Key Takeaways
- Medicine Stopped
- Weight Loss 9/10 kg
My Diabetes Story
In October 2023, I started feeling fatigued and unwell. Additionally, I was experiencing gynecological problems, so I visited my doctor to determine the cause.
The tests revealed that I had diabetes. Both of my parents had diabetes, and my mother experienced severe complications, including loss of vision and leg issues.
I was determined to find relief from my health problems.
How was FFD Introduced?
I watched a video by Dr. Hegde where he praised Dr. Pramod for his excellent work.
What made me choose FFD?
I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP.
Mrs. Koduri Veenadhari
Reversal Story
Joining FFD has proven to be the best decision for me, as I have benefited more than I expected. The FFD team assigned to my case conducted a thorough study and designed a personalized plan for me.
As I started following this plan, I began to see positive results.
Within three months of starting the program, I was able to stop my diabetes medication. My HbA1c improved from 9 to 5.3. I achieved a remarkable weight loss of 9-10 kg.
Adapting to the FFD protocols was challenging, but with the support of the FFD team, it became easier. I have learned how to control my food intake and am now following FFD-recommended exercises for my fitness regimen.
I am grateful to my FFD doctor, Dr. Amruta Prabhu, diet expert Sanjana, exercise expert Dr. Devika, and others for their unwavering guidance and support.
Key Quote