Embracing Change: Reversing Diabetes and Losing 12.5 kg with FFD

Life After FFD: A Vegan, Lighter, and Happier Me

  • Name - Mr. Anand Raj
  • Age - 50 Years Young
  • Profession - Corporate Employee
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Anand Raj, a post graduate working in the corporate sector.

My diabetes story

I had been conscious of my prediabetes condition for some time, but it didn't seem too concerning initially, especially since there was no family history of diabetes.

However, in March 2023, I received a startling revelation when I was diagnosed with hypertension.

Subsequently, in June 2023, my concerns deepened as the diagnosis of diabetes was confirmed. The discovery of an HbA1c level of 7 forced me to confront the seriousness of my health situation.

Recognizing the need for action, I knew I had to take proactive steps to address and manage my health condition.

How was FFD introduced?

My boss introduced me to FFD, having had an exceptional experience with the organization.

What made me choose FFD?

Upon learning about the high HbA1c level of 7, I realized the time had come. I joined FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP batch 95 immediately to reverse my diabetes.

Mr. Anand Raj

Reversal story

Under the guidance of Dr. Pramod Tripathi, I received advice not to immediately resort to medication, instilling hope that my recently diagnosed condition could be reversed.

Committed to the superb program he prescribed, my blood sugar levels began to normalize, and I was eventually informed that I wouldn't need diabetes medication.

Remarkably, my HbA1c improved from 7 to 5.8, and I achieved a significant weight loss, dropping from 80 kg to 67.5 kg.

A moment of pride came when I successfully cleared the GTT. My life underwent a transformative shift after joining FFD.

I've embraced a vegan lifestyle, even enjoying black tea, which once seemed impossible. I now feel light, happy, and confident—all thanks to FFD.

Key quote

Life is awesome! Thank you, Dr. Pramod Tripathi and the FFD team.

Key takeaways

  • Diabetes reversed
  • HbA1c improved
  • Hypertension medicine reduced
  • Weight loss 12.5 kg