Diet, exercise, medicines nothing really helped with my diabetes, until I joined FFD!

  • Name- Mr. Raghav Anand
  • Age- 50 years
  • Profession- Product Manager, Seattle Lead Technical
  • Place - USA

I live and work in the USA as the lead technical product manager for a Fintech firm in Seattle USA. I was pretty happy with how my life was shaping up when diabetes brought me to my knees.  I had undergone a routine health check, which unfortunately showed very high blood sugar levels (BSL) and the doctor had no hesitation in declaring me diabetic.

Since my late paternal grandmother, as well as my mother and father all, have diabetes, it looks like I was destined to get it too. But like everyone else, I didn’t really believe it would happen to me…until it did.

I knew that losing weight was imperative, so I began working out. But despite exercising almost every day of the week, I saw no weight loss. I also began to notice a marked increase in urination and a feeling of general fatigue.

The doctor prescribed 1000 mg of Metformin (2x per day) but I managed to get off medication after bringing my BSL under control through diet and exercise and other alternative therapies, but it rose again in 2010. This yo-yo-ing continued until FFD stopped it in its tracks.

It so happened that a good friend has successfully participated in the Holistic Transformation Program (HTP) and his success made me determined to follow suit. I duly signed up for the HTP Batch 64, in October 2020.

Mr. Raghav Anand

Within exactly 11 days of starting the program, I saw remarkable improvement, thanks to FFD’s diet and exercise regime, and my FFD doctor took me off my diabetes medication.

By Dec 2020- my HbA1C had normalized at 5.2, and my weight dropped to 63.28 kg (22.96 BMI). In Jan 2021 my HbA1C dropped further to 5.1 and my BMI dropped to < 22. By the end of the program, in Oct 2021, my A1C was a flat 5.0!

My weight at the time had dropped to an awesome 59.42 kg and my BMI had reached 21.56. Heartened by my recovery, on 19th October 2021, I took the Glucose Tolerance Test and cleared it with flying colors.

 In Jan 2021 my HbA1C dropped further to 5.1 and my BMI dropped to < 22. By the end of the program, in Oct 2021, my A1C was a flat 5.0! My weight at the time had dropped to an awesome 59.42 kg and my BMI had reached 21.56. Heartened by my recovery, on 19th October 2021, I took the Glucose Tolerance Test and cleared it with flying colors.

It’s an amazing feeling to be free of all medicines, as well as the worry of future health problems. It’s a feeling that I hope and pray every diabetic also experiences. Today, I continue to follow FFD’s prescribed as closely as possible. But I do occasionally treat myself to a normal vegetarian meal, i.e. bread/white rice, but in small quantities.

Exercise has always been an integral part of my day. But now I know how to program my routines, thanks to FFD. I work out on the elliptical for up to an hour each day in the evening and complement this with10 minutes of weights or resistance bands.

Every morning, I wake up at 5.45 am, do some quick stretches, followed by 20 min of brisk indoor walking, 2 min of planks. Saturday is my Yoga day and Sunday is usually my rest day. Though I still occasionally sneak in a session on the elliptical. As you can see, I have a lot of energy, thanks to the program. And I’m putting it to good use.


Reverse Diabetes