Diabetes Reversal Success Story of Mr. Prakash Pai

Mr. Prakash's 13 years of diabetes medicine stopped in 7 days
- Name- Mr. Prakash Pai
- Age- 59 years
- Profession- President of Nucleus Software
- Place - Gurgaon
"I no longer need an alarm to get up at 4.30 a.m." Hello! myself Mr. Prakash Pai, age 59 years, President of Nucleus Software, around 2000 employee strong IT Company with Head Quarters in Gurgaon. I am basically from Pune but shifted to Gurgaon around 18-19 years ago. I specialize in Finance and Banking.
I was detected to have diabetes in 2007. My work requires me to travel a lot, there is a lot of work stress, outside eating frequency is also high and I also have a family history of diabetes with my mother and brother having it.
It was quite possible that these reasons could have contributed to me having diabetes.
My medications varied according to my sugar levels. At one point, I was advised to take insulin. My fasting level was 140 and PP around 200.
It was at this point, where my mind, my heart refused to go on insulin. I decided to live with medicines as at that time I did not know "Diabetes is Reversible".
I knew about the Diabetes Reversal Program of "Freedom from Diabetes" outwardly much much before. But in November 2019, I happened to meet one of my friend's wives at an event who suggested I try this out as she and her mother-in-law had benefitted a lot by joining FFD.
She had also forwarded 2 videos of Diabetes Specialist Dr. Pramod Tripathi sir to me to go through them once.
I watched the videos sincerely and got a fair idea about the causes of diabetes and its treatment. To know in more detail, I took part in Webinar a 2-hour Discover Reversal Session of Diabetes Reversal and got completely convinced that Diabetes is Reversible. I enrolled myself for Intensive Batch 54.
I had just joined before New Year and had made up my mind that the New Year Eve celebration would be completely controlled by the FFD diet. But to my surprise on the very first day of New Year, I was informed to stop my diabetes medicine.
I read the message several times as I could not believe it. 13 years of diabetes medicine stopped in 7 days. What a New Year Gift!
I had put on around 95 kg of weight in the last 10-12 years and I used to give an excuse to people that since my height is 6 feet 2, it balances me well, but internally I knew I was overweight.
At FFD, I was given a target weight of 10 kg to lose and reduce down to 84 kg. Following the FFD protocol, I started losing weight and in 6 month's time my weight has come down to 79.4 kg which is a 15.6 kg weight loss. Marvelous!
Talking about "Dealing in Lockdown" I can say I was very lucky. Since I was getting all the vegetables and fruits directly from the farm, I actually had no problem getting what I needed. By lockdown time, I had reached the meditation phase.
I missed a few meditation sessions but later I caught with them up by setting an alarm to get up at 4.30 a.m. every morning. These meditation sessions were simply great. Later, a time came when I no longer needed to set an alarm to get up at 4.30 in the morning.
Now, I think that the habit of getting up so early has given me one extra hour of life every day. Reduction in weight, sugar levels coming down, going off tablets has boosted a lot of confidence in me and made me very very positive in life. Now my aim is to focus on my physical fitness and run a marathon successfully.
All thanks to Diabetes specialist Dr. Pramod Tripathi and FFD team.