Diabetes ran in my family. FFD helped me chase it away.

- Name- Mr. Selvakumar Thandapani Vaidyanathan
- Age- 48 years
- Profession- Senior IT Infrastructure Engineer
- Place - Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
I’ve been an IT professional since 1999, and am currently engaged as Senior Infrastructure
Systems Administrator in a global company.
Diabetes runs in my family: my maternal Grandfather had it, my mother had it, my aunts had it. So many of my family members have been diabetic, we joke that it’s a family heirloom, but it’s one that nobody wants.
In 2012, during a regular health check, my blood sugar levels (BSL) were found to be very high, and I was diagnosed with diabetes. It explained the problems I was facing at the time, like inexplicable weight gain, fatigue, and lethargy to name a few.
My doctor put me on Metformin 500, initially. He later switched to GalvusMet then Galvus 50 for almost 2 years. Although I wasn’t on insulin, it sure seemed inevitable, the way my medicines were increasing.
I was so afraid to be chained to medicines for life, I even experimented with Ayurvedic medicines, but they brought no relief, so I gave that up.
My cholesterol levels too had been high for about three years. Although the doctor had prescribed medicines for this, I never took even a single one, as I was afraid I would have to take another medicine for life.
Instead, I was managing with homemade decoctions, like Diabetes-friendly seeds of fenugreek, oma, and kolanji steeped overnight in warm water.
It seemed to work because after 6 months my GP said as my HDL (good cholesterol) levels had increased and there were a decrease in LDL (bad cholesterol) levels. I wished there was a similar treatment for diabetes, but it didn’t seem likely.
Mr. Selvakumar Thandapani Vaidyanathan
This was my life until May 2021. I had gone for my quarterly check and despite all the medicines, my HbA1C was at an all-time high of 8.6.
The GP was prescribing a new set of medications since GalvusMet wasn’t doing the job, and I was literally feeling like a lab rat.
Soon after this, on one of my WhatsApp groups, I saw a video about a certain Dr. Pramod Tripathi, who was doing a tremendous job of reversing diabetics. This was the first I had even heard this term.
My GT had made it clear to me that diabetes couldn’t be reversed, but here was this man saying just the opposite. And he was a medical doctor, with the science behind him!
Armed with the name “Pramod Tripathi” I went on to scour the internet and I discovered FFD. I registered for their Discover Reversal Session, and the rest, as they say, is history!
I joined the Holistic Transformation Program (Batch 71), and the results began to show almost immediately.
First, my oral medicine reduced: from 2 tabs of Galvus 50 daily to zero tablets in just 12 days! 10 years of medicines had come to an end. And in just 12 days!
As a bonus, I also began losing weight, dropping from 86+ kg to 79! Another healthy ‘side effect’ of the program was that I discovered an unsuspected affinity for cycling.
This is my athletic identity, which Dr. Pramod and Dr. Malhar helped me identify. I now cycle regularly. That’s not all. I also do anti-gravity exercises and slow jog every night.
I feel energized, revitalized, transformed! And it’s all thanks to Dr. Pramod and his team of experts at FFD.
FFD’s programs are truly exceptional, and with the support, guidance, and encouragement of the team, I believe, anyone can reverse their diabetes. Even those with a family history of it. I am proof of it!