Defying Adult-Onset Diabetes: A Success Story from Kerala

Tailor-Made Triumph: How FFD Personalized My Diabetes Reversal

  • Name - Female
  • Age - 59 Years Young
  • Profession - Job
  • Place - Angamali, Kerala

Hello all,

I'm from God's Own Country - Kerala.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Reduced
  • Weight Loss 7 kg
  • Enhanced Fitness

My Diabetes Story

Here's a paraphrased version of your text:

In 2022, during a routine medical examination, I was unexpectedly diagnosed with diabetes. This news was particularly frustrating, as I hadn't anticipated it, despite having a family history on my father's side.

I learned that I had developed adult-onset diabetes, a condition for which I was determined to find a solution.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in its annual type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP.

Reversal Story

The FFD team assigned to me did a detailed study of my case and designed a tailor-made plan. Following this, I began seeing positive results.

My sugars began falling in place and medicines reduced. I am now on a considerably low dose of medicines which I am extremely happy about.

My HbA1c also improved from 8.6 to 6.3. My weight loss of 7 kg has been superb.

Feeling pretty good with more mobility and flexibility. My only concern is my higher fasting levels which I am sure will resolve soon with FFD's guidance.

Key Quote

An incredibly beautiful program - Hats off to FFD.