Conquering Diabetes and Beyond - Amit's FFD story

My Wellness Journey with FFD - Amit Kumar

  • Name - Mr. Amit Kumar
  • Age - 44 Years Young
  • Profession - IT Professional
  • Place - Pune

Hello all,

I'm Amit Kumar, an IT Professional from Pune.

My diabetes story

In 2014, I became aware of fluctuating sugar levels and was determined to be in the prediabetes stage. With a family history of my father suffering from this metabolic disorder, I knew the significance of addressing the situation promptly.

As time passed, I encountered challenges related to weight loss, muscle depletion, and experienced weakness and pain in my legs.

These symptoms heightened my awareness of the need for proactive measures to address my health concerns and prevent the progression of prediabetes.

How was FFD introduced?

It was through social media that I learned about FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted to reverse my diabetes. When I saw the advertisement of Freedom from Diabetes on facebook, I felt a positive vibe coming and decided to join immediately. I enrolled myself in the FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP to throw away diabetes from my system.

Mr. Amit Kumar

Reversal story

When I joined FFD, I had recently started taking diabetic medication with the primary goal of eventually being medication-free.

Remarkably, within just 12 days, I achieved that goal. Despite not being overweight and falling into the category of a "Thin fat Indian," I managed to shed 6-7 kg of weight in the initial two months.

My HbA1c, which was 6.8 when I checked a month after joining FFD, has significantly improved and now hovers around 5.5.

I diligently engage in the 3:2:1 exercise routine, resulting in increased fitness levels and the disappearance of pain and weakness.

There has been significant reduction in waist size. I take great pleasure in competing with much younger individuals in HIT training sessions.

I proudly identify myself as a Gymmer, thanks to FFD's transformative impact. Having successfully cleared IGT, I am confident that with FFD's invaluable guidance and support, I will achieve the same success in clearing GTT in the coming year.

Key quote

Diabetes reversal is a reality and FFD is the ideal destination to make it happen.

Key takeaways

  • Medicine stopped in 12 days
  • Improved HbA1c
  • IGT cleared