Breaking the Family Cycle: Overcoming Hereditary Diabetes with FFD

A Personalized Approach: How FFD Tailored My Diabetes Reversal

  • Name - Mrs. Vijaya Harendrakumar Ramteke
  • Age - 58 Years Young
  • Profession - Housewife/Volunteer
  • Place - Puducherry

Hello all,

My name is Vijaya Harendrakumar Ramteke. While my primary role is that of a homemaker, I also dedicate time to volunteer work at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Improvement in Other Parameters
  • Enhanced Positivity

My Diabetes Story

In July 2022, I began experiencing symptoms such as extreme thirst, frequent urination, and intense body itching. Following a doctor's visit and subsequent tests, I was diagnosed with diabetes.

There's a history of diabetes in my family - my mother had it, and three of my brothers are also diabetic. Since I had never experienced a chronic illness before, this diagnosis caused me significant anxiety.

I was particularly distressed by the prospect of lifelong medication for diabetes management.

How was FFD Introduced?

My daughters were deeply concerned about my need for daily medication, especially after the doctor's statement that this would be a lifelong requirement.

They were determined to find a way to eliminate my dependence on medication and potentially cure my diabetes altogether.

Upon learning from a family friend that diabetes reversal was possible, they began investigating alternatives. When they discovered Freedom From Diabetes (FFD), they persuaded me to enroll in their program.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. At first, I was uncertain about my ability to adhere to all the protocols and requirements of the program.

It took me several months to mentally prepare myself but finally decided to enroll in the type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP to become medicine-free.

Reversal Story

The FFD team assigned to me thoroughly analyzed my specific case and created a personalized plan tailored to my needs.

Within the first few weeks of joining FFD, I noticed significant changes in my body, particularly in terms of weight loss and the discontinuation of medication.

Before FFD, I had already lost 10 kg over a year due to diabetes medications, going from 70 kg to 60 kg. After joining FFD, I quickly lost an additional 5 kg, reaching 55 kg.

I was slightly underweight, but by following the recommended diet, incorporating protein powder, and joining a gym, it has increased to 59.3 kg and I am quite happy about it.

I've seen improvements across various health parameters, thanks to regular testing and follow-up consultations. The experts recommended specific supplements during each consultation, which I diligently took, leading to excellent results by the final assessment.

The inner transformation sessions were particularly beneficial, providing a sense of calm, relaxation, and joy.

I'm thrilled to be free from diabetes and its associated medications. I'm proud that I managed to adhere to all the recommendations for a full year, despite my initial hesitation. I've now embraced the athletic identity of a gym-goer.

I had also created a vision board which helped me a lot. I still wonder how I managed to successfully complete this one-year program while juggling household responsibilities, office duties (where I volunteer), and without any help (like a maid for cooking, etc.).

I want to express my gratitude to the experts who conducted the sessions :

Dr. Shubhankar, Dr. Sanjana, Dr. Malhar, and others. My deepest thanks go to Dr. Pramod Tripathi. His sessions provided the energy, motivation, and inspiration I needed. His incredible energy and positivity were crucial in helping me reach my goal.

My success was made possible by my dedicated team of experts. I'm deeply grateful to Gauri and Puja for diet guidance, Ketaki for exercise support, and Dr. Manasi for medical expertise. Their contributions were crucial to my journey and deserve acknowledgment.

Key Quote

Thank you, FFD for my incredible transformation!