Breaking the chain - my journey to reversing type 2 diabetes with FFD

Significant weight loss, notable improvement in HbA1c

  • Name-  Mrs. Archana Goswamy
  • Age-  59 Years Young
  • Profession- Housewife
  • Place - Allahabad

Hello all,

I'm Archana Goswamy a housewife from Allahabad.

My diabetes story

I found out I had diabetes in 2016 after a random check. The news wasn't shocking, but it wasn't good either. My mother has diabetes and takes insulin to control it. In my life, the stress factor has been excessive.

I think that this was the trigger point. Luckily, aside from fatigue, I did not experience any serious problems.

How did FFD happen?

There was plenty of time during the lockdown period. FFD caught my eye as I was browsing YouTube. Additionally, Dr. B. M. Hegde mentioned Dr. Pramod Tripathi in one of his lectures.

What made me choose FFD?

I looked into many medical professionals but found that they were all contradictory, so I settled on Dr. Tripathi. The introductory webinar by Dr. Pramod Tripathi added to my confidence and I enrolled in Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately

Reversal story

Even though I still take diabetes medication, my time at FFD has been wonderful.  Dr. Surabhi, the doctor I was assigned, is a gem. She provided me with the proper direction and assistance throughout my course.

I am confident that if I had adhered to the discipline, I would not currently take any medications.

My HbA1c has decreased significantly from 10 to 6.5, which is amazing.

My weight loss of 7 kg has been good.  It has reached a plateau now but with the right direction, I'm confident it will decline even further.

The only thing that went wrong with me was that I lost a lot of hair. I've told the appropriate person about this and am optimistic that things will improve.

Key quote

'It is a vicious circle and you need to break the chain.  Thanks to FFD for helping me with this.'

Key takeaways

  • Medicine reduced
  • 3.5 points HbA1c drop
  • Weight loss of 7 kg