Breaking Free from Medication: A New Zealand Professional's Health Transformation

12.9 kg Lighter, Medication-Free: A Reversal Story From New Zealand

  • Name - Mr. Shankar Natarajan
  • Age - 65 Years Young
  • Profession - Independent Professional
  • Place - Auckland, New Zealand

Hello all,

I'm Shankar Natarajan, an Independent Professional from New Zealand.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 12.9 kg
  • Superb Fitness

My Diabetes Story

In 2008, I started experiencing fatigue symptoms. A blood test revealed I had diabetes, which was surprising given no family history of the condition.

High blood pressure developed in 2015, and by 2019 I was diagnosed with high cholesterol as well. During this period, my weight increased significantly, reaching 81 kg at its highest.

Looking back, I believe work-related stress was likely a major contributing factor to these health issues.

Despite these challenges, I've always had a strong desire to achieve optimal health and become independent of medication.

How was FFD Introduced?

FFD was introduced through a past participant.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in its type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP immediately.

Mr. Shankar Natarajan

Reversal Story

The FFD team conducted a thorough assessment of my case and developed a customized plan to address my specific needs. Upon implementing their recommended regimen, I began to see positive outcomes.

My blood sugar levels started to stabilize, and I soon received the fantastic news that I no longer needed medication. This was the best news ever.

My weight loss from 81 kg to 68.1 kg has been remarkable.

Fitness-wise, I am much fitter than before and can easily perform up to 24 surya namaskars (standing).

I must say, that I received excellent guidance in all areas, from diet and exercise to meditation, and the results have been outstanding.

Key Quote

The FFD approach is the only correct way to achieve optimal health.