Bidding Farewell to Diabetes: FFD's Personalized Plan for a Healthier Life

A Hyderabad Homemaker's Inspiring Path to Diabetes Reversal

  • Name - Mrs. Sunitha Reddy Arrum
  • Age - 38 Years Young
  • Profession - Housewife
  • Place - Hyderabad

Hello all,

I'm Sunitha Reddy, a Housewife, from Hyderabad.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 7.5 kg
  • Superb Experience

My Diabetes Story

In 2023, I began experiencing peculiar symptoms, including excessive thirst and frequent urination. Alarmed by these unusual occurrences, I sought medical attention from my doctor, who recommended undergoing blood tests.

The results were startling, revealing that I had developed diabetes.

Despite having a family history of the condition on my paternal side, I never anticipated being diagnosed with it myself, especially at the relatively young age of 36-37 years old. The news came as a surprise.

Fortunately, I did not encounter any other major health complications at the time. However, I harbored a strong desire to regain my overall well-being and take control of my health.

How was FFD Introduced?

I came to learn about FFD through Dr. Sangeeta.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope so I enrolled in FFD's type 2 diabetes reversal program HTP immediately.

Reversal Story

My journey with FFD has been incredible. After a thorough analysis of my case, I was provided with a well-designed plan to follow.

As soon as I started the FFD plan, I began to see results. My diabetes medicines stopped within six months which was great. My HbA1c levels improved from 7.8 to 5.8.

My weight loss from 64.5 kg to 57 kg has been remarkable.

I perform all the FFD-recommended exercises. I am energetic and feel good about myself.

I would like to thank all my experts - doctor, diet expert, and exercise expert, all are superb.

Key Quote

I am happy that FFD came at the right time.