Bhupendra Sheth: FFD's inner transformation is magical

Enjoying a medicine free and contained life
- Name- Mr. Bhupendra Rupshi Sheth
- Age- 59 Years Young
- Profession- Investor
- Place - Mumbai
Hello all,
I am Bhupdendra Rupshi Sheth a Pharmacy graduate working as an Investor in the share market, from Mumbai.
My aim towards joining FFD
I joined to reverse my diabetes.
Diabetes story
An unusual infection pushed me to see my doctor who suggested getting medical tests done. Very high sugars of fasting 268mg/dl and PP 470mg/dl confirmed diabetes. Laziness, tiredness, excess urination, and excess weight were my symptoms.
Introduction to FFD
After being diagnosed with diabetes, I immediately connected with a diabetologist and an endocrinologist but was not happy with their response. I came to know about FFD through a YouTube video of a smoothie.
I also checked out for reversal on the internet and found 2-3 companies, but they were money minded and manipulative. Finally zeroed down on FFD and joined FFD diabetes reversal program HTP.
Mr. Bhupendra Rupshi Sheth
Reversal journey
Dr. Pramod Tripathi answered all my queries to 100% satisfaction in the Webinar and had already gained my confidence. I started very enthusiastically. Was on higher medications which reduced in one month.
The good news of the stoppage of medication came at the end of the third month. I am free since then. HbA1c which was 8.7 has fallen down to 6.7. Weight loss too has been remarkable, around 14 kg.
I am proud to share that I have cleared the semi-final, IGT - Impaired glucose tolerance in 2021 and aiming to clear GTT soon. The FFD team is very cooperative. All the experts are amazing. My mentor has been a great support.
The inner transformation phase has changed my life totally. Journal writing and meditation give solid power. Anger and anxiety have disappeared. Meditation has given me a sense of peace and containment. On the exercise front, I have chosen the Athletic Identity of a 'Yogi".
Key quotes
"Dr. Pramod Tripathi is out of a world person. "
"For me, Dr. Pramod Tripathi and Dr. Malhar are like Krishna Bhagwan. I follow whatever they say"
Key takeaways
- Medicine stopped
- HbA1c dropped from 8.7 to 6.7
- Inner Transformation helped