Bhavani Shankar R V: Type 2 diabetes reversal program of FFD rocks

Insulin stopped, weight loss 16 kg ...brilliant life

  • Name- Mr. Bhavani Shankar R V
  • Age- 50 Years Young
  • Profession- Chief Information Security Officer
  • Place - Bangalore

Hello Friends,

I am Bhavani Shankar R. V. from Bangalore.  I am a senior manager working as a chief information security officer.

My diabetes story

I got to know about my diabetic status at a very young age. It was during a medical checkup before joining my job. Family history-wise, both my parents suffered from diabetes, the mother at a young age while the father at a later age.

I faced diabetes symptoms like nocturia. Other than that I remember only one incident of mine falling unconscious for some unknown reason.

How did FFD happen?

I learned about FFD through one of my wife's friends who was getting her treatment at FFD.

What made me choose FFD?

I wanted to get rid of insulin, and medicines and improve my health. Saw hope in FFD which made me enroll in the Freedom from Diabetes type 2 diabetes reversal program - HTP immediately.

 Mr. Bhavani Shankar R V

Reversal story 

The 4 FFD protocols diet, exercise, inner transformation, and medical are just amazing.  I began following them seriously and started getting results too. 

I was on 95 units of insulin per day when I joined FFD.  Slowly my insulin dosage reduced and within 5-6 months I was told to stop insulin completely. This was the best piece of news for me.

I am still on medicines which I am sure I will get rid of with FFD's help. I have got one amputated leg actually so exercising as per FFD norms was a bit challenging for me.

I must appreciate the power of the FFD diabetes reversal diet here. With smoothie and all the advice from my FFD diet expert, I could lose around 15-16 kg of excess weight which is helping a lot to me. 

I was at 98 kg being bedridden after amputation and now I am at 83-84 kg. My HbA1c improved from 10.6 to 7.4. I like to do yoga and will pursue that form of exercise as my athletic identity. I am energized and do not feel sleepy as I used to.

Key quote 

"Thank you, FFD for showing me the path to good health. I am confident that I can do a lot more and nothing can stop me."

Key takeaways 

  • Insulin stopped
  • Weight loss 16 kg
  • High on energy