Best nuts for diabetics to eat

Nuts for Type 2 Diabetes
You must have heard this many a time - 'Are you nuts?'... a common phrase used to ask if one is crazy.
But have you ever thought why only nuts and nothing else? It must be due to the characteristic roughness of the outer shell of nuts.
What is a nut?
A nut is a fruit consisting of a hard nutshell protecting a kernel which is usually edible. In general usage and a culinary sense, a wide variety of dry seeds are called nuts, but in a botanical context "nut" implies that the shell does not open to release the seed.
Interesting History of nuts
- From old Anglo-Saxon literature to religious texts, nuts have been documented as sources of nutrition throughout history.
- Almonds and pistachios are mentioned by name in the bible, while other nuts can be found in works of Shakespeare.
- Nuts have been proven to be quality Sources of Proteins and healthy fats and are key drivers in weight loss.
- Many historians also believe modern agriculture began with the harvesting and storage of nuts.
Because of their predictable growth patterns and long storage life, nuts were the ideal crop for early civilizations. - All of this evidence shows that nuts have been a staple in the human diet since the beginning of history.
Nuts and Diabetes
- There is a definite link between nuts and diabetes. Nuts play a crucial role in diabetes reversal.
- To explain logically, the main factor resulting in diabetes is Insulin Resistance.
- Insulin resistance is mainly caused due to acid and inflammation present in our body and nuts help in reducing acid and inflammation in our body.
- Amongst all the available nuts, almonds and walnuts are typically helpful in diabetes reversal. As compared to peanuts, pistachio, cashew, hazelnuts, and brazil nuts, almonds and walnuts have more alkanility.
- So they are very helpful in the process of reversal and are largely used for the same
Health Benefits of nuts
- Nuts are nutrient-dense food rich in fats and protein.
- They contain high-quality vegetable protein, unsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, phytosterols, and phenolic compounds.
- They also contain vitamins like tocopherols, folic acid, niacin, B6, and minerals like calcium and magnesium.
- Having them significantly reduces the incidence of heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and inflammation.
- They are very good for blood circulation.
- Having nuts in a controlled proportion can help with diabetes and insulin sensitivity.
In a life that is quite stressful and active, there are a lot of free radicals in your body as well as oxidative stress which produces a lot of inflammation. So to counteract this, nuts are very good. The most people miss about nuts is to soak them.
Benefits of Soaking Nuts
- Nuts have phytic acid which binds to the minerals in the gastrointestinal tract thus hampering the absorption of minerals. By soaking nuts you break down the phytic acid so that minerals can be easily absorbed.
- Nuts also have high amounts of enzyme inhibitors making them hard to digest. Soaking nuts can neutralize the enzymes allowing their proper digestion. Brown peel of almond contains tannin which can inhibit nutrient absorption. Hence soak them, remove the peel and have them. Do not expose the peeled nuts for a long period is the only thing one has to keep in mind.
How much time should the nuts be soaked?
The nuts should be soaked for 7 hours or overnight with salt and water. Water will increase the bioavailability of many nutrients, especially B-vitamins. Salt helps activate enzymes that deactivate the enzyme inhibitors present in the nuts.
What is the ideal time to have nuts?
An ideal time for nut consumption is the evening time because it is the time when you consume an unhealthy snack. Instead of munching something unhealthy one can have nuts. Soaked nuts work as a good hunger suppressant and also have low GI.
How much quantity to eat?
- 4-5 soaked almonds and 2 soaked walnuts
- 8 cashew nuts once in a week
- 8-10 pistachios once in 10 days
- 10-15 soaked peanuts twice a week
Include nuts in your diet regime and see the difference! Did you find this blog to be interesting? We would know your feedback. Also, do let us know which other topic about diabetes-friendly foods you want us to cover in the future.
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Which nuts are good for type 2 diabetes?
Almonds, walnuts, pistachios, cashews, pecans, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, and macadamia nuts are great for type 2 diabetes, support you to blood sugar control and your heart health.
Which nuts should diabetics avoid?
People with diabetics should avoid nuts that are salted, sugar-coated, honey-roasted, or heavily processed, as they can spike blood sugar and increase sodium levels.
How many nuts can a diabetic eat?
Diabetic people can enjoy 4-5 soaked almonds and 2 walnuts daily, 8 cashews weekly, 8-10 pistachios every 10 days, and 10-15 soaked peanuts twice a week.
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