Anita lata: Very happy to see my HbA1c which was almost 8, has come down to 6.1
- Name- Mrs. Anita Lata Gupta
- Age- 63 years
- Profession- Project Manager
- Place - Noida
Having retired after many years as a teacher, I was looking forward to a peaceful life. With no history of diabetes in my family and no dietary indulgences to speak of, the last thing on my mind was contracting diabetes. Little did I know what fate had in store for me.
In 2011, I began experiencing persistent weakness, fatigue, and inexplicable weight loss. I wasn’t very concerned but decided to go for a routine health check, anyway. I was shocked to find that I was diabetic!
The doctor put me on oral medication, which, as the days went by, increased to Glyxambi(5/10), Glycomet-sr & Nurokind-next.
The mounting medication worried me, and I began researching diabetes and treatments, including natural ones.
During the course of this research, I stumbled on a YouTube Video from FFD. It opened my eyes. Despite what other doctors had been saying, here was one doctor who insisted that diabetes was completely reversible. Even more exciting, he had successfully freed more than ten thousand diabetics of all their medication.
Filled with hope, I read up everything I could find on Dr. Pramod Tripathi and his organization, Freedom From Diabetes (FFD). And in HTP batch 54, I enrolled in FFD’s Holistic Transformation Program (HTP).
I found the program intelligently structured, backed by an exceptional team of doctors, dieticians, exercise experts, psychologists, and an entire army of support staff.
Mrs. Anita Lata Gupta
Like every HTP participant I was assigned a dedicated team comprising a doctor, diet expert, exercise expert, psychologist, and, of course, Dr. Pramod Tripathi, who was always on hand to encourage, motivate, and address all queries. It was a great experience, and the results began to show almost immediately.
Within just one month, my HbA1C, which had been almost 8, had come down to 6.1. Barely a month and a half into the program, my doctor stopped all my medicines. I couldn’t believe it My diabetes had been reversed!
My weight too was dropping steadily. I am now a trim 49 kg, and my HbA1C is a normal 5.5!
I feel light and full of energy, and ever so grateful to Dr. Pramod Tripathi, who conceived this awesome program, and the entire team at FFD.
They truly transformed me. The diet and exercise protocols that they recommended made me feel so good; I still follow them faithfully and intend to do so for life.