An inspirational story from Noida

Feeling great without medicines
- Name- Mrs. Jahnavi Chaturvedi
- Age- 57 years
- Profession- Housewife
- Place -Noida, U.P., India
Why did I join FFD?
I was already in trouble due to body aches, headaches, acidity, and more due to diabetes. My relative's rate of improvement with FFD was an inspiring point for me.
I am Jahnavi Chaturvedi, a 57-year-old housewife from Noida, U.P. There is no strong medical history of diabetes in my family and there are no major stressors too. So, I have not been able to figure out why I got diabetes.
How did I get to know about my diabetic status?
It was the year 2010 when I noticed that I had started facing some unusual symptoms of frequent hunger, body aches, and headaches. So I went to see my doctor who advised me to get tests for sugars done. The numbers were shocking with fasting levels being 125 and PP 325. This is how I was diagnosed to have diabetes.
Difficulties I faced
The year 2012 gave me 3 more big blows. I was put on medicines for cholesterol, thyroid, and hypertension all at the same time. I suffered from COVID and after that things became even more difficult. I had to be started on insulin.
Mrs. Jahnavi Chaturvedi
How did I come to know about FFD?
I met one of my relatives (Jethani) after a long time and observed that her health had improved tremendously. Upon asking her about the secret, she gave me the information about FFD and also encouraged me to join it. If she could do it, why can't I? was the thought that crossed my mind and I decided to go for it.
FFD journey
I enrolled in the FFD diabetes reversal program HTP batch 81 after attending the online session Discover Reversal Session of Dr. Pramod Tripathi.
The HTP program is based on 4 FFD protocols - diet, exercise, inner transformation, and medical. We were given instructions on all and I started following them.
With continuous and constant support and guidance from FFD experts, my health started improving. Insulin took only 1 month to stop while medicines kept reducing and stopped in around 2.5 months. Now, I am medicine and insulin-free for 4 months and enjoying freedom.
When I joined FFD, my weight was 73 kg and now I am at 59.4 kg. Now, I know what is being lightweight. I can comfortably run up to 3 km and just do not feel like stopping.
It is a wonderful feeling to be free of medicines and insulin. Shedding extra kilos has added confidence in me. I am delighted and would like to thank Dr. Pramod Tripathi and Freedom from Diabetes team for all their great work.
- Freedom from insulin
- Freedom from medicine
- 13.6 kg weight loss