An incredible insulin reversal story from Mumbai

Insulin stopped, medicine reduced ...happier and free me

  • Name- Mrs. Kavita Khanijo
  • Age- 67 years
  • Profession- Housewife
  • Place - Kharghar, Mumbai

Why did I join FFD?

Insulin had made life difficult.  I just wanted to stop it. Found there is a way with Freedom from Diabetes.


Hello friends

I am Kavita Khanijo a housewife from Mumbai. I am a postgraduate but happily and willingly accepted the role of a housewife. There is no family history of diabetes in my case. Stress wise there has been no major stress.  

How did I come to know I have diabetes?

Around 20 years back, I had to undergo major surgery. It was a stressful situation. At that time my sugar level was found to be high and was put on medicine. Medicines for diabetes started from there. 

Later on, was put on insulin as there was no proper sugar control through tablets. I think I got diabetes due to the tension/stressful situation of having to undergo major surgery.


Pricking insulin was quite distressing, especially carrying it while traveling. I started avoiding travel due to this as the first thing that used to worry me was where to store it. Along with diabetes, I was also taking medicine for cholesterol, thyroid, and hypertension.

Kavita Khanijo: Diabetes reversal success story

Mrs. Kavita Khanijo

How was FFD introduced to me?

I happened to meet my sister-in-law at an outstation picnic where I found her to be very thin and fit.  Upon asking, she gave me the information about her treatment with FFD. Even her husband had benefitted a lot from FFD. Both insisted that I join FFD.

My journey at FFD

I first attended the online introductory session DRS by Dr. Pramod Tripathi sir and then joined in FFD diabetes reversal program HTP batch 80.

As I started religiously following the 4 FFD protocols, my insulin dose also started reducing. Within 15 days all my insulin was stopped.  My happiness had no bounds then.  I just could not believe that I was relieved of pricking insulin each day.

My medicines have also reduced remarkably and I have lost 6 kg of weight.  Earlier, I weighed 65 kg, and now I am at 59 kg. My BMI is in the normal range of 23-24.


The happiest thing is I am free from insulin.  I am sure the way things are going, one day I will become free of medicines too. I am very happy to be associated with Freedom from Diabetes.


  • Freedom from insulin
  • Reduced medicines
  • Normal BMI

Reverse Diabetes