An Incredible Freedom Story From Washington

Engineering a Diabetes-Free Future: A Washington Professional's Reversal Tale

  • Name - Mr. Sekhar Hanumanthu
  • Age - 45 Years Young
  • Profession - Engineer
  • Place - Washington, U.S.

Hello all,

My Name is Sekhar Hanumanthu, and I am an Engineer by Profession. I work at Amazon, leading software engineering teams within the company.

Key Takeaways

  • Medicine Stopped
  • Weight Loss 19 kg
  • Enhanced Energy & Positivity

My Diabetes Story

During the unprecedented times of the COVID-19 pandemic, like many others, I found myself confined within my home. This situation impacted my exercise routine and cardio activities for two years. Additionally, my diet became heavily reliant on carbohydrates.

Despite feeling a persistent lack of energy for several quarters, I did not get myself tested. Coincidentally, during the recovery period following a dental tooth extraction procedure, I noticed that my healing process was taking longer than usual.

This prompted my wife to suggest that I get tested for diabetes. Around August 2021, when I checked my HbA1c levels, the reading was an alarmingly high 9.4. Shocked by this elevated value, I consulted with my physician, who confirmed that I had developed diabetes and prescribed me Metformin.

It became evident that my diabetes had gone undetected for over a year. Furthermore, I was also suffering from obesity, with my weight reaching 108 kg.

I experienced a persistent lack of energy, mood fluctuations, and occasional dizziness and nausea. However, what bothered me the most was the prospect of having to adhere to a daily routine of taking tablets.

Family history-wise, My mom and dad were diabetic.

How was FFD Introduced?

Determined to find a way to reverse my diabetes, I conducted research online. During my search, I came across a video by Dr. Pramod Tripathi and the Freedom from Diabetes (FFD) program.

What made me choose FFD?

I never liked being on medicines. FFD was offering hope.

Here's a Shortened Version:

While driving with my family, I discussed my diabetes diagnosis and the choice between lifelong medication or pursuing reversal by joining the FFD program. My daughters supported the reversal path, and after assuring my initially hesitant wife of my commitment, she too supported my proactive approach.

The introductory webinar presented by Dr. Tripathi instilled confidence in me, prompting me to immediately enroll in FFD's Healthy Transformation Program (HTP) for reversing type 2 diabetes.

Mr. Sekhar Hanumanthu

Reversal Story

I signed up for the FFD program. The FFD team studied my case in detail and designed a tailor-made plan for me. As I began following the plan, my sugars began falling in place. I stopped the medication gradually in phases. My HbA1C which was 7.9 prior reduced to 5.6.

My weight loss from 108 kg to 89 kg has been truly noteworthy. The whole diet plan and intermittent fasting were transformational. The community sharing messages, pictures, and progress shared were motivational. The 6 weeks were magical.

I started doing meditation and hatha yoga and listened to the inner transformation session experience and learning. Yoga and stretches took away the stress and complimented my cardio exercise routine. I had a good sleep after my yoga sessions.

I like doing yoga and weight training. I feel younger and more energetic overall.

Key Quote

Freedom from diabetes and Freedom from medicines is an awesome feeling.