After joining FFD in just 2 months all my diabetes medicines were stopped

Medicine Terminator Award Winner

  • Name- Mrs. Elvira Ruth Almeida
  • Age- 60 years
  • Profession- Professional Baker
  • Place - Mumbai

When I was taking around 8 different kinds of tablets each day, I could not even think that a time would come when I would be medicine-free - ever!  But the miracle happened - only FFD could help me do it.

I am Elvira Ruth Almeida, a 60 years young professional Home Baker from Mumbai.  I had a very bad attack of rheumatoid arthritis in 2010, for which I was put on steroids.

After a year, during one of my routine blood tests for my arthritis, I was diagnosed with diabetes. Initially, I was in denial since there was no history of diabetes in the family.

I was facing problems like fatigue, excessive thirst, frequent urination, and dryness of the mouth.  Later, I came to know these are the triad symptoms of diabetes.

I underwent my hysterectomy and cholecystectomy in October 2008. Thereafter, I was diagnosed with arthritis within months. I tried allopathy, homeopathy, and even ayurvedic treatment for the same.

Mrs. Elvira Ruth Almeida

Then in March 2010, I had a severe bout of rheumatoid arthritis with tremendous swelling of my fingers and immense pain. Due to this, I had to be put on steroids besides the RA medicines.

The steroids continued for nearly 2 years. That resulted in the onset of my diabetes, which was diagnosed during one of my visits and lab tests for my RA.

As I mentioned earlier, I was in total shock and denial but later accepted it. I even added blood pressure to the list of my ailments.  Medicines just kept piling on over the years. 

I was on multiple medicines before coming to FFD.  My prescription was like -

  1. Tab. Prominad  100 mg.  1-0-0
  2. Tab. Azneten  20 mg.   1-0-0
  3. Tab. Dayclazide MP.  0-0-1/2 |  80mg+15mg+500mg
  4. Tab. Dayclazide M 80. 0-0-1 | 80mg + 500 mg
  5. Tab. Clintis. 0-0-1 | 10 mg + 40 mg
  6. Tab. Rozution T. 0-0-1 | 10 mg + 40 mg
  7. Tab. Febu.          0-0-1 | 40 mg
  8. Tab. Saltcal.        0-0-1

I was dreading this totally and was on the lookout for some solution. I had even started homeopathy along with allopathy for 2 to 3 years in the hope of improvement, but sadly nothing changed, and then in March  2021, I came across FFD on Facebook.

I immediately did all the research about FFD and joined the 69th batch in April 2021.  From then on, there was no looking back.

I followed the FFD's Diabetes Reversal protocol in totality. Within 2 months all my diabetes medicines were stopped. I also lost 18 kg.  I was 83.4 kg when I joined FFD and I came down to 65.4 kg.

Muktotsav is the annual event of FFD where all the achievers are applauded.  I am happy to share I got the award of 'Medicine Terminator' for terminating/stopping the largest number of medicines.

I must say my mission is almost accomplished. I still need to lose some weight and the next is to pass GTT.  Unlike before I feel very energetic and lighter. I am able to do a lot of things that I was unable to do earlier.

I am and will always be grateful to Dr. Pramod Tripathi and the complete FFD team for the great work they are doing in this regard.

Ever grateful.

Reverse Diabetes